Activities of "nabass"


here is Nuget.Config is there a line should i add to solve error ??


hi sir here is my error log


From where can i get my private key ?? And i want to use cli v 8.0.2 not latest version Abp suite was working and suddenly stopped And also it's working with my friend but not working with me 🤷🏻‍♂️


hi yes i want to make a shape like this but using a checkbox instead of tree shape how can or where can i find or what the steps to do this?


Hi I don't want to do spacing Already records within first image showed into second image via using lookup but it's showing as one level and i want it as a group of parent and childs


Thanks for quickly replay, but i already know how to write HTML nested checkbox list but actually i bind my checkbox list dynamically and get the data from App service , i appreciate if you provide me with how to use the following code to bind dynamically, this is the HTML Code --================== @for (var i = 0; i < Model.AccountList.Count; i++) {

 var account = Model.AccountList[i];

 &lt;abp-input abp-id-name=&quot;@Model.AccountList[i].isSelected&quot; asp-for=&quot;@account.isSelected&quot; label=&quot;@account.DisplayName&quot; /&gt;
 &lt;input abp-id-name=&quot;@Model.AccountList[i].DisplayName&quot; asp-for=&quot;@account.DisplayName&quot; /&gt;


C# Code --============= var accountLookup = await _chartOfAccountsAppService.GetAccountLookupAsync(); AccountList = ObjectMapper.Map<List<LookupDto<int>>, List<AccountViewModel>>(accountLookup.Items.ToList());


no no no do you see the shape of permission i want to do something like that let me give you an example

  • First
    • first-1
    • first-2
      • first -2 -0
      • first - 2-1
    • first -3
  • second
    • second-1
    • second-2

exactly like permission how can i do this??? what i can do is *first *second


Hi sir I tried to share but i couldn't It's a lot of files with azure connection with multiple model and projects and it's more than 2GB So i tried to give you the best way to help me with sharing files and source code that i have problem with and explain exactly what i did and what i faced and what the steps and all what i did I hope to help me or kindly tell me you don't have the solution Thanks your effort


Hi sir I already sent you the project with mapping and entityframe work every thing Just make (abp new test) And put files i shared


How will i remove the interface ?? All methods into it and controller will not work. All the project is alote of models i just have problem with code i shared all pages are working good This culture get and create are also working good My problem with update and download excel If i removed the interface you mentioned i will face a problem with the interface in application.cotract project

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13