sorry, I have found the answer in another thread:'t-want-to-use-the-Organization-Unit-functionality-and-want-to-remove-it-from-the-UIAPI
Hi, I am trying to split the IS4 to a separated database, and I need to remove all the endpoints related to identity and identity server in swagger, I have tried to comment these 2 lines but the it does not work
Did I miss any steps? Any help is appreciated.
Hi @alper, is there any updates on the investigation?
I have the same question, is it possible to split the Identity Server to separate database? and the identity server will be shared by multiple applications.
Hi @maliming, I have followed the article and been able to create a new template, thank you.
Hi, I want to use the text template management module to manage the email template in our application. However, I could not find the create button in text template management page under Administration -> Text Templates. I checked the permission, there is no create permission as well. Is there any reason why we don't allow to create a new text template?
Hi @liangshiwei, I got the same issue after creating a new client, I had copied the SQL query to run on SQL Management Studio, it was extremely slow, the root cause is the ORDER BY part, please help us take a look:
ORDER BY [t].[Id], [i0].[ClientId], [i0].[GrantType], [i1].[ClientId], [i1].[RedirectUri], [i2].[ClientId], [i2].[PostLogoutRedirectUri], [i3].[ClientId], [i3].[Scope], [i4].[ClientId], [i4].[Type], [i4].[Value], [i5].[ClientId], [i5].[Type], [i5].[Value], [i6].[ClientId], [i6].[Provider], [i7].[ClientId], [i7].[Origin], [i8].[ClientId], [i8].[Key]
the log is too long, please check it here:
Hi @liangshiwei, thank you
Hi @alper, yes, I have shared the repo via email, please help take a look.
Hi @liangshiwei, thanks for your quick response. I am able to resolve the problem by clear browser cookies in the latest version 4.0.2.
However, I still got the unauthentication problem with version 3.3.2 due to missing access token
[21:56:21 WRN] Authorization failed! Given policy has not granted.
Volo.Abp.Authorization.AbpAuthorizationException: Authorization failed! Given policy has not granted.
please let me know is there a way to add the token in swagger like version 4.x
Thank you.