Activities of "nlachmuthDev"


do you get any error messages or logs inside the api host when the user tries to log in?

From what i see the user is fine. Do you have enabled that the user must confirm his/her email before he can login? You could set EmailConfirmed to 1 and try again.

Could you show me the path settings?

Also you might could try to switch to a linux app service, if that would be an option for you.

You could create a new solution using abp suite with the same name as your existing project. After that you copy the maui project inside your existing projects src directory and add it to the existing solution.

Hope this helps.

Hey, make sure the file is located in the content root. Not in the applications wwwroot. As you see in the screenshot of my example apps kudo browser.

Some other questions that might help me to find a solution for you:

  1. What OS do you use for your azure web app?
  2. How do you deploy the web app to azure?
  3. How is the stack configuration for your web app?
    • Mine looks the following:

I was able to deploy a fresh abp mvc (non-tiered) application to an azure web app using the following steps (

  1. Create the authserver.pfx using the following command (if you want to use another password, you need to change the code in the YourPrjNameWebModule: dotnet dev-certs https -v -ep authserver.pfx -p 2D7AA457-5D33-48D6-936F-C48E5EF468ED
  2. Place the generated pfx file inside YourProject.Web-Project
  3. Ensure the generated pfx is copied as content by adding the following to the csproj-File of the YourProject.Web-Project:

These steps are extracted from the official abp documentation for configuring OpenIdDict:


in what project is the exception thrown? You might need to add the mapping inside the UI Layer´s AutoMapperProfile.

Please let me know what UI Layer you use and if your application is tiered (seperated auth server)

You might want to checkout this:

There are detailed explanations for configuring your application for azure app services.

Please let me know if this helps you.


let me first ask if i got your question right:

You want to call an api of an abp application form an azure function right?

If so, is your azure function written in C#? Because you could use the HttpApi.Client Project to make api calls to your abp project.

In your abp solution there is even a HttpApi.Client.ConsoleTestApp Project that shows how to use the http api client.

To get an auth token you just need to configure the IdentityClient in the appsettings. Then the api client will automaticly get an access token before sending requests to the api.

Kind regards


i refunded the ticket for you.

Kind regards Nico


this issue was already reported and is fixed in 7.2.3:

I´ll refund the question for you.

Kind regards Nico

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13