Activities of "oleksandra.nakonechniuk"


this what method get features return and next time it will be 200



Hello. I created FeatureDefinitionProvider in the domain layer. Is it ok? because I need to take some data from the database. Is it possible to do like this? And then I use the feature checker as You provide in the documentation. Can the name of the feature be with white space?

I am asking because when I created these features and load to prod, they were working correctly. But after several deploys, they fell. The method where I use the feature checker works every second time. I mean one time it returns a response next time it returns 500 HTTP error. And say that can't found feature the first in the list.
My using of feature checker :

public async Task<List<AssessmentTypeDto?>> GetMovementsTestFeatures() { var mvmTypes = await _asmTypeRepository.GetAssessmentTypes(AssessmentTypeNames.Movement); return await GetListAssessmentTypesWithCheckedFeatures(mvmTypes); }

private async Task&lt;List&lt;AssessmentTypeDto&gt;> GetListAssessmentTypesWithCheckedFeatures(List&lt;AssessmentType&gt; asmtypes)
    var results = _objectMapper.Map&lt;List&lt;AssessmentType&gt;, List&lt;AssessmentTypeDto&gt;>(asmtypes);
    var updatedResults = new List&lt;AssessmentTypeDto&gt;();

    foreach (var m in results)
        var isEnableType = await _featureChecker.IsEnabledAsync(m.Code);

        if (isEnableType)
            var movements = new List&lt;AssessmentMovementDto&gt;();

            foreach (var x in m.Movements)
                var isEnabled = await _featureChecker.IsEnabledAsync(x.Code);

                if (isEnabled)

            m.Movements = movements.OrderBy(x => x.DisplayOrder).ToList();
            m.Movements = new List&lt;AssessmentMovementDto&gt;();

        if (isEnableType)

    return updatedResults;
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