Activities of "olitrepanier"

Hello again,

It does work. I have to override the correct menu. There is a SideMenu and a TopMenu. The one that works for me is the SideMenu.

I am still getting the login-callback errors in the console that says "user is not logged in". Any clue why this is happening?

Hello again,

With that code, it looks like the menu loads properly and works on the first login.

I am still having issues with the admin profile icon that does not work when I click on it. It only works after refreshing the page.

Also, I am still receiving responses in the Network tab of chrome that says "user is not logged in"


Let me know if this url works for you:

I pasted the logs there.


I tried the code you provided and it fixes my problem with the configuration returning http instead of https

So I have no issue login in, but I still have the same problem with the login-callback returning "user is not logged" in error and the UI not working until I refresh the page.

Hello again

I tried to deploy to Azure Web App Linux Containers both the api and the blazor app.

I generated the docker images by using the script build-images-locally.ps1, pushed the generated images to an Azure Container Registry and then successfully deployed the images to Azure Web App Linux containers.

You can find the applications at the following urls:

The problem that I am having right now is that azure containers forward https requests to http (this is normal). I was having issues when trying to log in because IdentityServer is expecting https.

Therefore, I disabled RequireHttpsMetadata in the appsettings.json file like so:

But that becomes a problem after I login because the blazor app requests the token at an http endpoint:

Looking at the openid-configuration returned, I see that all the endpoints returned are http and not https:

I tried following this post to fix the issue, without any success.

I need my openid-configuration to return https endpoints.

Heres the error I get in the console:

I tried to deploy with all the available themes: Basic, Lepton and LeptonX. I am still getting the problem with all of them. I even tried the newest version of abp 7.3.3

We generated a certificate with the following command: dotnet dev-certs https -v -ep authserver.pfx -p patate123

and we added the authserver.pfx in the root folder of the HttpApi.Host project like so:

In order for the authserver.pfx to be included when building the csproj, we added these lines to the HttpApi.Host.csproj:

And in the code where the .pfx is consumed, we had to change these lines in order for the app to fetch the certificate properly:

The way we configured the certificate doesn't seems to be the problem since I can login and get an access token, but could it cause an issue when the app tries to authorize the user?


We created a new template project with: abp new VanillaAbp -t app-pro -u blazor

and deployed it here:

And we seem to be getting the exact same errors.

Were using a self-signed X509 certificate to sign the tokens. Were running the exact same command in the Docker file to generate it.

I believe we're at 2.3.3 for Lepton and 7.3.3 for abp

I sent you an email with the url and test user.


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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 05:21