Activities of "paul.harriman"


I will get back to you tomorrow, hopefully to close this ticket. Your solution works

Attached are the logs. the file is a zip file, i had to rename it so i could attach it. so just rename to .zip and expand


  • deleted all org units using the app, they were soft deleted
  • i added 2 root nodes
  • i deleted 1 root node and only 1 was deleted

But when we have org units and then add the 2 root nodes (w/out children), all toot nodes w/out children are removed.

In the video i sent you, it has org units already, then i added the root nodes. this is the only way we can reproduce it

sent you a video in your email, file would not attach

essentially i just created 2 root nodes with nothing underneath them, and then deleted one of them

Ok, will email you the github address and some sample data


If i try and create a new solution it does not replicate. if i go to another one of our web apps w/o organizations it doesn't replicate. we have 2 sites with Organization Units, and both show the issue.

if we profile the database we see the following (below). These queries is what we see that are deleting A root unit. does this help, we are thinking something in the abp code is generating these updates to soft delete the root units. does this help??

exec sp_executesql N'SET NOCOUNT ON;
UPDATE [AbpOrganizationUnits] SET [ConcurrencyStamp] = @p0, [DeleterId] = @p1, [DeletionTime] = @p2, [EntityVersion] = @p3, [IsDeleted] = @p4, [LastModificationTime] = @p5, [LastModifierId] = @p6
WHERE [Id] = @p7 AND [ConcurrencyStamp] = @p8;
UPDATE [AbpOrganizationUnits] SET [ConcurrencyStamp] = @p9, [DeleterId] = @p10, [DeletionTime] = @p11, [EntityVersion] = @p12, [IsDeleted] = @p13, [LastModificationTime] = @p14, [LastModifierId] = @p15
WHERE [Id] = @p16 AND [ConcurrencyStamp] = @p17;
',N'@p7 uniqueidentifier,@p0 nvarchar(40),@p8 nvarchar(40),@p1 uniqueidentifier,@p2 datetime2(7),@p3 int,@p4 bit,@p5 datetime2(7),@p6 uniqueidentifier,@p16 uniqueidentifier,@p9 nvarchar(40),@p17 nvarchar(40),@p10 uniqueidentifier,@p11 datetime2(7),@p12 int,@p13 bit,@p14 datetime2(7),@p15 uniqueidentifier',@p7='2DD45B3F-FC4C-F749-710C-3A16AABE55AD',@p0=N'6998127558414af1ba91d23d7eae1efb',@p8=N'5982a4fcdced4c46b96f30f825e4be3c',@p1='5C9DCA98-2173-FD84-F648-3A13DD86C3AA',@p2='2024-12-05 14:45:07.8682894',@p3=1,@p4=1,@p5='2024-12-0514:45:07.8745836',@p6='5C9DCA98-2173-FD84-F648-3A13DD86C3AA',@p16='84635BED-107A-2839-4C7B-3A16AABE6877',@p9=N'7801f92d8df747819280d309958c8f4c',@p17=N'182ea7d4d3734024873fa2f58f37c7d2',@p10='5C9DCA98-2173-FD84-F648-3A13DD86C3AA',@p11='2024-12-05 14:45:07.8736023',@p12=1,@p13=1,@p14='2024-12-05 14:45:07.8745117',@p15='5C9DCA98-2173-FD84-F648-3A13DD86C3AA'

UPDATE [AbpOrganizationUnits] SET [ConcurrencyStamp] = @p0, [DeleterId] = @p1, [DeletionTime] = @p2, [EntityVersion] = @p3, [IsDeleted] = @p4, [LastModificationTime] = @p5, [LastModifierId] = @p6
WHERE [Id] = @p7 AND [ConcurrencyStamp] = @p8

UPDATE [AbpOrganizationUnits] SET [ConcurrencyStamp] = @p9, [DeleterId] = @p10, [DeletionTime] = @p11, [EntityVersion] = @p12, [IsDeleted] = @p13, [LastModificationTime] = @p14, [LastModifierId] = @p15
WHERE [Id] = @p16 AND [ConcurrencyStamp] = @p17



Can you check if the id is the id of TestA?

Yes it is the id and the other id's that were soft deleted are unique

it looks like a task was created, so the documentation has not been created yet, correct? i looked at the documentation ( and didn't notice anything new, but perhaps i am looking in the wrong place


to clear the redis chache i need to do something like this: yes the record does exist

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