Note that it working well on core webapi without ABP framework
instructions below
cd AspNetCoreWebApi
dotnet build
dotnet run
# open browswer
start http://localhost:5261/signalr.html
# F12 // open brower dev tool // console tab
# click Websockets OR SSE and observe result in console // both cases working well.
Hi, Please follow below steps for the shared ABP Test App.
cd AbpTestApp
dotnet build
dotnet run --project src\AbpTestApp.HttpApi.Host
# open browser
start https://localhost:44354/signalr.html
# F12 // Open Browswer Dev Tool's Console Tab
There are 2 options: Websockets and SSE. If you click Websockets, the logs show successful. however, if you click SSE, you will see the error. See picture below.