Activities of "pmachetti"

Thank you very much! I can confirm that by first publishing and then executing the DLL works perfectly.

For reference:

- name: Prepare Migrations
  run: cd src/Cincaporc.WebApp.DbMigrator && dotnet publish -c Release && cd

- name: Run Migrations
  run: cd src/Cincaporc.WebApp.DbMigrator && dotnet bin/Release/net6.0/publish/Cincaporc.WebApp.DbMigrator.dll --Environment Staging && cd

We have changed the command to:

    - name: Run Migrations
      run: cd src/Cincaporc.WebApp.DbMigrator && dotnet publish -c Release && dotnet run --Environment Production --configuration Release && cd

The error is still the same.

[09:43:09 INF] Started database migrations...
[09:43:09 INF] Migrating schema for host database...
[09:43:09 ERR] ABP-LIC-ERROR - License check failed for 'Volo.Abp.Identity.Pro.Domain-v6.0.1.0'.
You need to log in using the command `abp login <username>`.
For more information, contact to
Error: Process completed with exit code 214.

Yes, we are not publishing in Debug mode. We have two workflows, one for production where we run the DB Migrator as:

cd src/Cincaporc.WebApp.DbMigrator && dotnet run --Environment Production --configuration Release && cd

And one for staging where we use ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Staging. Both fail.

Full output of the command:

[14:50:18 INF] Started database migrations...
[14:50:18 INF] Migrating schema for host database...
[14:50:18 ERR] ABP-LIC-ERROR - License check failed for 'Volo.Saas.Domain-v6.0.1.0'.
You need to log in using the command `abp login <username>`.
For more information, contact to
Error: Process completed with exit code 214.

We are still suffering this error.

Any ideas on what we are doing wrong?


I have tried with AbpLicenseCode to no avail, both in appsettings.secrets.json and as an environment variable.

The error we get now is:

Error: Process completed with exit code 214.

In this case ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT is not Development but Staging as we use this profile for our staging platform before applying changes to Production.

You can see the appsettings.Staging.json that gets used on the run:

Not sure how to proceed as it is not set to Development mode.

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "Default": "REDACTED"
  "OpenIddict": {
    "Applications": {
      "WebApp_Web": {
        "ClientId": "WebApp_Web",
        "ClientSecret": "REDACTED",
        "RootUrl": ""

      "WebApp_Web_Public": {
        "ClientId": "WebApp_Web_Public",
        "ClientScret": "REDACTED",
        "RootUrl": ""
      "WebApp_Web_Public_Tiered": {
        "ClientId": "WebApp_Web_Public_Tiered",
        "ClientSecret": "REDACTED",
        "RootUrl": ""

      "WebApp_Swagger": {
        "ClientId": "WebApp_Swagger",
        "ClientSecret": "REDACTED",
        "RootUrl": ""

Thanks for your responses.

Now that you have cleared the paired computer history we will try with:

AbpLicenseCode in appsettings.json

And we will also not login, nor logout.

One last doubt, will every runner on Github compute as a new paired computer?

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13