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Activities of "portx-dev"

for example, the following URL is the web server log when 0error occurred, but there was no error.

I don't need to know the cause, but is there any way to deal with it?

I wish I could find something in there, but logically, the nginx web server no longer plays a role in this issue because:

  1. nginx webserver has served js resource to the browser
  2. js code (angular app) execute on browser remote call to auth server, api server and some time we got http status 0

And i double check api | auth server log on datadog link here But couldn't find anything useful

@liangshiwei What I mean is CreatorName is a field I created, when calling the api, it is retrieved from the client via


At that time, there was user information on the client but not on the server

As for the screenshot and content, for example, there is an error like the one below.

I'm sure you don't know the cause, but is there any way to deal with it?

Hi. I have recreated the issue and uploaded it to YouTube. You can view it at the link below.


・以下は0エラーの一覧です。 0%40error.message%3A%2A%5C%22status%5C%22%5C%3A%5C%200%2A&agg_m=count&agg_m_source=base&agg_t=count&cols=&fromUser=true&graphType=wate rfall&p_tab_h_event=AwAAAZNHUvZUwcEdawAAABhBWk5IVXZxMEFBQTJiNTRkcWR1RENRQUQAAAAkMDE5MzQ3NjUtOTU3Zi00MjVlLWE0NjEtYjcwY2UwZGE0ZWI4AAAEFg &panel_tab=flamegraph&shouldShowLegend=true&spanViewType=logs&track=rum&viz=stream&from_ts=1731471475700&to_ts=1732076275700&live=true

Hi. But why, when I open only 1-2 tabs, the pages don’t reload after refreshing the access_token? However, when I open more tabs, the pages get reloaded. Could this be a bug? This behavior significantly affects the user experience, especially when users are in the middle of their tasks and the pages reload unexpectedly.

We can invite you to our datadog. Want to see datadog first-hand?

I will send you an example of the error. It happens quite frequently, so I don't think it's a network error. Could there be a cause on the ABP side?

Hi, could you please provide an update on the progress of resolving this issue? Thank you!

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