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Activities of "pvaz"

Well, not so easier, but ok.

I've create the following files in the following projects/folders:

  • Project.Domain
    • TicketStatuses
      • ITicketStatusRepository.cs
      • TicketStatus.cs
      • TicketStatusAlreadyExistsException.cs
      • TicketStatusManager.cs
  • Project.Domain.Shared
    • TicketStatuses
      • TicketStatusConsts.cs
  • Project.EntityFrameworkCore
    • EfCoreTicketStatusRepository.cs
  • Project.Application
    • TicketStatuses
      • TicketStatusesAppService.cs
  • Project.Application.Contracts
    • TicketStatuses
      • CreateTicketStatusDto.cs
      • ITicketStatusAppService.cs
      • TicketStatusDto.cs
      • UpdateTicketStatusDto.cs

In Project.Application on file ProjectApplicationAutoMapperProfile.cs I've added

CreateMap<TicketStatus, TicketStatusDto>()

In Project.EntityFrameworkCore -> EntityFrameworkCore - IndoDbContext.cs - public DbSet<TicketStatus> TicketStatuses { get; set; }

  • IndoDbContextModelCreatingExtensions builder.Entity<TicketStatus>(b => { b.ToTable(IndoConsts.DbTablePrefix + "TicketStatuses", IndoConsts.DbSchema); b.ConfigureByConvention(); b.Property(x => x.Description).HasColumnName(nameof(TicketStatus.Description)).IsRequired(); b.Property(x => x.CloseTicket).HasColumnName(nameof(TicketStatus.CloseTicket)); });

    Project is compiling without any error.

    The I went to the command shell, Project.EntityFrameworkCore, and done the following command

    dotnet ef migrations add Added_TicketStatuses


I think it's better to share the project with you, so you can test easier and for sure spot the problem quickier


Yes I am

What is the best way to update the packages on the modules ? I tried to add the solution for each modules on abp suite web and failed.

Changing directly on the solution also did not solved because on compilation gives error.

And how to handle with the changes on dbmigration, tables and new fields on project update ? Since on version 4.4.0 the process is changed.

I did not check the modules, tought that the abp suite was also upgrading the modules, but seems not.

I'll do it and try again, thanks


Yes all packages were upgraded, deleted all binaries, restored and compiled with no errors.

Going to provide the project to the email next


solved this way using your advice:

var redirectUrl = UriHelper.BuildAbsolute(HttpContext.Request.Scheme, HttpContext.Request.Host, "/Account/Login"); await HttpContext.ChallengeAsync(new AuthenticationProperties { RedirectUri = redirectUrl });


Hi Maliming,

thank you for your quick reply.

Perhaps my question I was not clear. When the user is not authenticated to redirect to /Account/Login.

Using your example I get:

"An unhandled exception occurred while processing the request. InvalidOperationException: No authentication handler is registered for the scheme 'oidc'. The registered schemes are: idsrv, idsrv.external, Abp.ConfirmUser, Identity.Application, Identity.External, Identity.TwoFactorRememberMe, Identity.TwoFactorUserId, Bearer, Google, Microsoft, Twitter. Did you forget to call AddAuthentication().AddSomeAuthHandler? Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.AuthenticationService.ChallengeAsync(HttpContext context, string scheme, AuthenticationProperties properties)"


Hi Maliming,

it was good to have an example on how to do it using mvc, I have the same need and cannot find a proper example.


Hi @gterdem,

thank you for your help and reply but I still did not manage how to bypass the need to choose the tenant but not using the domain resolver.

In the login page, how can I hide the tenant selector ? On the customization of the login, there is nothing related with the tentant selector but it is shown.

Another thing, how can I use a combination like this: http://localhost:12345/Account/Login?tenantid=1

This way in the url I could define the tentant I wanted to use on the login.

I need to have a customized login for each tenant, with diferent layout based on the tenant that was previously passed on the url, and that the tenant selector is hidden from user.

This was a great help if you can manage to prepare me an example.


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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on February 17, 2025, 05:40