Activities of "rafael.gonzales"

I emailed you maliming

Hi @maliming

Is there a way to chat with you? I am also reading the logs of my application and I also see that some keys are repeated and being queried 4 times in each execution also I found some primary keys being cached and I am wondering why ABP wants those PKs retrieved in every request and why there some many repeated keys. I can't share the log because it's a production app but I would like to chat with you about this

Just one thing to add, it's that those tests I had a response time of 6 seconds when I had many localization pending to be added in the en.json file. After those localization were added the response time changed a lot.

It's not perfect but it gets better

This might not be the good reference you are looking for but right now I'm in the middle of a custom menu provider for ABP and I experienced some issues with ABP + Redis

Using a multi-level menu environment with Redis, I have experienced a waiting time of almost 6 seconds

I disabled the distributed locking and removed any reference for Redis in my ABP project and ran the same application and now it runs in milliseconds

I couldn't take the screenshot before but It takes 2 seconds per key for ABP to get Permissions and Settings from Redis Cache. while in memory it only takes milliseconds.

While in Redis, ABP takes too much to retrieve information from the PermissionStore cache in Redis. It seems that if you have a more complex menu or multi-level menu or much more information related, It gets complicated for ABP to get from Redis.

If you look at the end of the following picture, you get high consumption in a single row from Redis.

There is a bug in LeptonX

In Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.UI.Theme.LeptonX\Themes\LeptonX\Components\SideMenu\MainMenu\Default.cshtml

LeptonX is not adding the custom ID that you can set when you create a Group in the ApplicationMenu

@foreach (var group in Model.Menu.Groups)
	var menuItems = Model.Items.Where(x=> x.MenuItem.GroupName == group.Name).ToList();
	if (menuItems.Any())
		<li class="group-menu-item hidden-in-hover-trigger">

		@foreach (var menuItem in menuItems)
			menuItem.IsInRoot = true;

			<li class="outer-menu-item">
				@await Html.PartialAsync("~/Themes/LeptonX/Components/SideMenu/MainMenu/_MenuItem.cshtml", menuItem)

I am in the same position as you. Running without redis is much faster. I guess because It requires a standalone reddis to work propperly but I am still investigating too

I'm having this constant issue in 8.0.2 and It won't create validations for that property

The new version of ABP Suite 8.0.2 is not adding integer or float validations for properties, It's not adding the [Range] attribute

I would like to see it in the ABP Suite.

  • Nullable strings option
  • Decimal range and precision
  • DateRange option in ABP Suite
  • Add Spanish (Mexico) and Spanish (Peru) in the localization (In Spanish, we have different decimal validations between Spain (es) and South America (es-MX or es-PE)
  • Ability to add nested details

There is no DataSeedContributor for Detail Entities.

Showing 51 to 60 of 125 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 08:30