Activities of "salih"

Hello!!! It's me again. I found 2 bugs related to datepickers.

One of them, is related to ABP Framework and I created an issue here

The other one is related to ABP Commercial.
If you see the Loom video, you can see that I create an entity with a date value on day 17 but when I try to edit, It will display on day 16 in the date picker.

I was able to fix it by modifying the generated index.js in this line

(new Date(date)).toLocaleDateString(;

with this

(new Date(date)).toLocaleDateString(, {timeZone: 'UTC'});

This seems to happen in my timezone (GMT-5).

Firefox problem: I couldn't reproduce your other problem. Can you share a sample project for this? My e-mail address is

Hello, you can do it as in the commit above.

I didn't fully understand what you meant. I'm sharing a gif. Is something similar to this what you're looking for?

The issue will be resolved in this pull request: You can temporarily fix it by adding the changes as shown in these two locations: and Please pay attention to the package name, which should be 'MomentScriptContributor.PackageName.'

You can extend the "AbpUiResource" just like in the example here: for the "Today" button.


Send-MailMessage -To “” -From “” -Subject “MyMail” -Body “This is the test” -SmtpServer "localhost" -Port "25" This command didn't work for me.

Send-MailMessage -To “” -From “” -Subject “MyMail” -Body “This is the test” -SmtpServer "localhost" -Port "2525" But this command worked

So I updated my settings like this and it worked

Hi, can you try this way?

public override void OnApplicationInitialization(ApplicationInitializationContext context) 
    var configuration = context.GetConfiguration(); 
    var SelfUrl = configuration["App:SelfUrl"]; 
    var app = context.GetApplicationBuilder(); 
    var env = context.GetEnvironment();
    using (var scope = app.ApplicationServices.CreateScope()) 
        var serviceProvider = scope.ServiceProvider; 
        var buses = context.ServiceProvider.GetServices<ServiceBusProcessor>(); 
        foreach (var processor1 in buses) 
            processor1.ProcessMessageAsync += (ProcessMessageEventArgs args) => ProcessMessageHandler(context, args);
            processor1.ProcessErrorAsync += ErrorHandler;
private async Task ProcessMessageHandler(ApplicationInitializationContext context, ProcessMessageEventArgs args) 
    var serviceProvider = context.ServiceProvider ;
    using (var scope = serviceProvider.CreateScope()) 
        var handler = serviceProvider.GetService<TraineeProfileUpdateJobHandler>();
         // this is throws an error var handler2 = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService<TraineeProfileUpdateJobHandler>(); // this is throws an error await handler.ExecuteAsync(parsed); 
<abp-date-picker asp-for="CreateTransaction.SendDate" min-date="new DateTime()" date-format="MM/DD/YYYY" auto-update-input="true" />
<abp-date-picker asp-for="CreateTransaction.SendDate" min-date="new DateTime()" date-format="MM/DD/YYYY" />

use it like this

BTW how can I see my previous tickets? and why I cannot submit a new ticket although I still have 14 remaining tickets?!

You can easily see your own tickets

this is the link for creating new question:
if you cannot navigate to this URL, it means your permissions have recently been updated. try re-login to refresh your permissions.

I can navigate to that url but I cannot see any submit button as in the following screenshot:

Have you tried logging out and logging in?

Hi, I recommend you to use unit of work when you get error about Context dispose. You can review the document. My suggestion is to use IUnitOfWorkManager.

Showing 11 to 20 of 44 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13