Activities of "sinan"

Hi, i couldn't produce your problem. maybe setting oidc value to false solve your problem.

this.authService.oidc = false;

I will test it, thanks

yarn.lock, package.lock.json, node_modules everything

Hi, i have create an new project, everything is same with your package.json and it works correctly.

Please remove all cache files and upload packages again.

And it might be related with your changes or configurations, i dont know what kind of changes blockes pagination but before all please remove all caches and try again if it not works we will find another solution

Hi stuchlajz, i have update the version of chart.js and make plugins work in abp. you can follow the pr

By the way you have the change your plugin as follow;

helloWorldPlugin = [
  beforeInit: (chart, args, options) => {
  afterInit: (chart, args, options) => {
    console.log('after init');
  afterRender: (chart, args, options) => {
    console.log('after render');
  beforeDraw: chart => {
    console.log('before Draw');
  afterDraw: (chart, args, options) => {


It will be available in version 8.1 and i have refundend your question credit.

Hi, could you give me your package.json file. I need to know which version of abp you are using

It will be released in couple of days.

Hi, It might be related with version of chart.js.

in @abp/ng.component its installed version 3.9.1. So i wonder can you try to change your plugin according to version 3.9.1 of chart.js

I understand your case. in visible property you can't get the value of selection.

If you want to change the visibility of prop you can do something like this.

visible: data => {
    const formValue = data.getInjected(YourComponent).getFormValue();
    return === "GS";

Hi, can you try to add global styles for <datatable-footer> element in styles.scss.

you can set height, and overflow-y: hidden;

Showing 31 to 40 of 79 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 05:21