Activities of ""

Thanks much its working

i need to set tab like this account and entity changes tabs


![Screenshot (12).png](/QA/files/3a0fd5eaf4ed9d7de5c22368ba8850b7.png)

i am seeing only blank page after i done all of the things that you mentioned above


Please follow the below steps

  1. create a new DemoComponent using below command
ng generate component democomponent 

It will appear like this image at angular side

  1. create manage-profile-tabs.provider.ts file
    add the newly created DemoComponent to this file like

  1. Add manage-profile-tabs.provider to app.module.ts

  1. Add the desired code in demoComponent.html file no need to add code of abp-tab it will look like

I hope this this will help you.

thanks, Anjali

hi Anjali,

Please look at the issue that i provided below to your answer


Please follow the below steps

  1. create a new DemoComponent using below command
ng generate component democomponent 

It will appear like this image at angular side

  1. create manage-profile-tabs.provider.ts fileadd the newly created DemoComponent to this file like

  1. Add manage-profile-tabs.provider to app.module.ts

  1. Add the desired code in demoComponent.html file no need to add code of abp-tab it will look like

I hope this this will help you.

thanks, Anjali

Hi Anjali,

i have done all the above things still couldn't resolve the issue i have a question

where did the MyUsertab comes from ? you didn't mention above screenshots

i will provide my issues here

- I have generated component called demoapplication and demo2application and i want these components to be tab section in another component , that component name called managedemocomponent, i have created manage-profile-tabs.provider.ts and i have included demoapplication and demo2application and i also added manage-profile-tabs.provider to app.module.ts i dont know what shoul i do next i am stuck here i need a solution above screenshot doesnt helped me

Hi, you can use Angular Routerlink to navigate to another page.

To create: <a [routerLink]="['/user/create']"> link to create user component </a>

To edit: <a [routerLink]="['/user/edit']" [queryParams]="{id: yourId}"> link to edit user component </a>

Make sure to declare your routes.




I think your Lepton X theme is not installed properly can you please try again by creating new project with Lepton X theme.

**Yes. This issue is occurred only when I choose Lepton-X theme. When I choose basic theme or lepton theme, I can successfully run client app

Below is the console error, after I tried new project, freshly downloaded lepton-x theme angular project.**

*Build at: 2023-06-27T16:53:40.370Z - Hash: 067ca6886595d44a - Time: 145681ms

./node_modules/@volosoft/ - Error: export 'OPEN_AUTHORITY_DELEGATION_MODAL' (imported as 'OPEN_AUTHORITY_DELEGATION_MODAL') was not found in '@volo/' (possible exports: BackToImpersonatorNavItemComponent, CommercialUiConfigModule, DEFAULT_PROFILE_ICON, ENABLE_FLAG_ICON, IMPERSONATION_PROVIDERS, IdentitySecurityLogDto, IdentitySecurityLogGetListInput, ImpersonationService, NAVIGATE_TO_MY_SECURITY_LOGS, OPEN_MY_LINK_USERS_MODAL, PROFILE_PICTURE, PROFILE_PICTURE_PROVIDERS, ProfilePictureService, addNavbarItemsOfImpersonationFactory, eProfilePictureType, profilePictureTypeOptions, setModuleVisibilityFactory)

** Angular Live Development Server is listening on localhost:4200, open your browser on http://localhost:4200/ **

× Failed to compile. √ Browser application bundle generation complete.

527 unchanged chunks

Build at: 2023-06-27T16:54:03.590Z - Hash: 067ca6886595d44a - Time: 17941ms

./node_modules/@volosoft/ - Error: export 'OPEN_AUTHORITY_DELEGATION_MODAL' (imported as 'OPEN_AUTHORITY_DELEGATION_MODAL') was not found in '@volo/' (possible exports: BackToImpersonatorNavItemComponent, CommercialUiConfigModule, DEFAULT_PROFILE_ICON, ENABLE_FLAG_ICON, IMPERSONATION_PROVIDERS, IdentitySecurityLogDto, IdentitySecurityLogGetListInput, ImpersonationService, NAVIGATE_TO_MY_SECURITY_LOGS, OPEN_MY_LINK_USERS_MODAL, PROFILE_PICTURE, PROFILE_PICTURE_PROVIDERS, ProfilePictureService, addNavbarItemsOfImpersonationFactory, eProfilePictureType, profilePictureTypeOptions, setModuleVisibilityFactory)

× Failed to compile. √ Browser application bundle generation complete.

527 unchanged chunks

Build at: 2023-06-27T16:54:09.379Z - Hash: 067ca6886595d44a - Time: 4316ms

./node_modules/@volosoft/ - Error: export 'OPEN_AUTHORITY_DELEGATION_MODAL' (imported as 'OPEN_AUTHORITY_DELEGATION_MODAL') was not found in '@volo/' (possible exports: BackToImpersonatorNavItemComponent, CommercialUiConfigModule, DEFAULT_PROFILE_ICON, ENABLE_FLAG_ICON, IMPERSONATION_PROVIDERS, IdentitySecurityLogDto, IdentitySecurityLogGetListInput, ImpersonationService, NAVIGATE_TO_MY_SECURITY_LOGS, OPEN_MY_LINK_USERS_MODAL, PROFILE_PICTURE, PROFILE_PICTURE_PROVIDERS, ProfilePictureService, addNavbarItemsOfImpersonationFactory, eProfilePictureType, profilePictureTypeOptions, setModuleVisibilityFactory)

× Failed to compile.*


Can you try to steps on the following

  • Open CMD anywhere
  • Run command: yarn cache clear
  • Go to angular folder
  • Remove .angular | node_modules | yarn.lock files the existing folders
  • Run command: yarn install
  • Run command: yarn start

Still getting the same error yarn cache clear** yarn cache v1.22.19 error Invalid subcommand. Try "ls, list, clean, dir" info Visit for documentation about this command.

when executing command yarn start** following error was thrown (there are many lines, but given below only few lines of the error log console)

./src/app/app.module.ts:18:0-82 - Error: Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@volo/' in 'C:\Systense\farey\angular\src\app' Error: src/app/app.component.ts:6:5 - error NG8001: 'abp-loader-bar' is not a known element: 1. If 'abp-loader-bar' is an Angular component, then verify that it is part of this module. 2. If 'abp-loader-bar' is a Web Component then add 'CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA' to the '@NgModule.schemas' of this component to suppress this message. 6 &lt;abp-loader-bar>&lt;/abp-loader-bar>

Error: Can't resolve 'node_modules/@volosoft/ngx-lepton-x/assets/css/light.rtl.css' in 'C:\Systense\farey\angular'

Error: Can't resolve 'node_modules/@volosoft/ngx-lepton-x/assets/css/ng-bundle.css' in 'C:\Systense\farey\angular'

Error: Can't resolve 'node_modules/@volosoft/ngx-lepton-x/assets/css/ng-bundle.rtl.css' in 'C:\Systense\farey\angular'

Error: Can't resolve 'node_modules/@volosoft/ngx-lepton-x/assets/css/side-menu/layout-bundle.css' in 'C:\Systense\farey\angular'

Error: Can't resolve 'node_modules/@volosoft/ngx-lepton-x/assets/css/side-menu/layout-bundle.rtl.css' in 'C:\Systense\farey\angular'

Showing 1 to 8 of 8 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13