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Activities of "vasilas"

For example in Server.Repository.EfCoreRepository.txt I would like to write:

  .Select (c => new OrderList
     // Fill here the properties and navigation props
     %% property-name %% = c.%% property-name %%,
     %% np-property-name %% = c.%% np-property-name %%,
     // Ex. Id = c.Id, Name = c.Name ... and so on

Similar to the angular template:

<% for(let prop of props) { %>
* **ABP Framework version:** v4.4.4
* **UI type**: Angular
* **DB provider**: EF Core
* **Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular)**:  yes / no

Thank you. It's ok.

How to share modified templates in abp suite (Edit templates) with other team members? Following the upgrade to a new ABP version, are these modified templates found in the new version?

Is it possible to configure a separate database for one ABP module per tenant or not? Ex: App_database, (shared tenants database) Module1_Tenant1_database, Module1_Tenant2_database, ... Module2_database, (shared tenants database) Module3_Tenant1_database, Module3_Tenant2_database, ... ..... I saw the example from https://github.com/abpframework/abp-samples/tree/master/EfCoreMigrationDemo but it is not per tenant.

Can CRUD Page Generator be used for new modules in an application? I managed to generate entities only at the application level.

How can I debug in the source code of ABP framework starting from a custom module? For debugging starting from the Blazor WASM project, do I need other requirements than the other projects? I would also like to know how I could debug the ABP Commercial modules. I installed the latest version of ABP Framework.

I want to generate entities starting from the Databse first concept. I mean I want the input about an entity to come from the database (tables, views, stored procedures, functions). I also want to implement master detail entities. I will remain grateful for any idea in this regard.

Showing 1 to 7 of 7 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on February 07, 2025, 05:40