Thank you for pointing that out. We are dealing with tables that have hundreds of columns. Is there anyway, we can automate that process?
Hello everyone,
We are working on new projects using Abp latest version. ABP Suite done a wonderful job load entities from database and creating UI and model class. However, our existing db column naming convension is uppercase with underscore such as "HELLO_WORLD". Is there any way that we can convert that to camel case that work better with C# ? For example: HELLO_WORLD -> HelloWorld, NEW_FEATURE -> NewFeature.
Thanks, TuTong
i have tried with three theme, also downgrade with 6.00 getting same issue
Please refer same issue -
all protected virtual must be public so that we can override which methods/props. it doesn't make sense making as protected
@maimling - why it closed I am asking the override functionality your referring the extension. please advise
I am referring below
#3235 I could not find public method that can be override some data.
below we are trying reduce load not load all auth data. some auth not required for gatewayapi level.
lets say if request coming from internal api1 -- auth should load only api1 data and send api1 - app configuration, same for api2 . but using micro service app configuration giving all service data which we need apply filter based on resource or scope.
For --admin/host auth below bindasync
await ldapConnection.BindAsync(LdapAuthType.Negotiate, new LdapCredential
// Configure username according to your LDAP config:
// cn=admin,dc=abp,dc=com or just username.
UserName = adminUserName,
Password = adminPassword,
AuthorizationId = baseDc,
For - user auth below bindasync await ldapConnection.BindAsync(LdapAuthType.Simple, new LdapCredential { UserName = userEntry.Dn, Password = testPassword, });
i would need two method in abp??