Activities of "yekalkan"

Hi @js1106

No, templates doesn't support if/else usage.

Hi @vishnu,

The problem is related with the DbMigrator project in your solution. Are you able to run it successfully before generating code with ABP Suite?

I am editing an existing entity

Have you made any breaking change in the edit, that may not be compatible with the current records in DB?


indirdiğimiz projede klasör adını Angular yerine farklı bir şey yapmıştık bu olabilirmi mesela

Evet, bundan kaynaklı olarak angular klasörünü bulamıyordur.

Şu iki yoldan biri işinizi görecektir:

  • Eğer sizin için önemli değilse, klasörün ismini angular olarak düzenleyip projeyi ABP Suite'e tekrar ekleyin.

  • %USERPROFILE%\.abp\suite\appsettings.json dosyasında ilgili projeyi bulun. Daha sonra UiFramework değerini 3, UiFrameworkName değerini Angular olarak değiştirin ve AngularSolutionRootPath değerine de angular klasörünüzün path'ini yazın.

What project does the Suite look at for the templates (Where that dll gets stored and referenced by the suite)?

Volo.Abp.Commercial.SuiteTemplates has the templates. You need to build your solution after updating this package.


The bug is tracked in an internal issue. Thanks for reporting. The question credit is refunded.

Hi @dweiss

  • Can you check the version of Volo.Abp.Commercial.SuiteTemplates package? Is it 7.2.2 too?

  • Have you overriden the domain manager template for this project?

Most likely you have overriden the template. Because normally CreateAsync and UpdateAsync method has return values in their signatures. Example:public async Task<AnotherEntityTest> CreateAsync. but in your case there are no <AnotherEntityTest> in the generated code. I've checked the previous Suite versions and i could not find a version that generates these methods without return values. That is why i think you've overriden them. To undo the override, go to Templates page in suite and revert the customization for Server.Domain.Manager.txt.

If you have never override the template, i will check again. For now i don't see any other reason than i explained.

Hi @epeters,

Is it microservice template or microservice-service template?

Hi @hinairusu,

It seems like Suite fails to find your solution's ABP version. We'll enhance the algorithm of that process in the next release. Thank you for reporting. Your question credit is refunded.

For a workaround: You can set the ABP version manually in %USERPROFILE%\.abp\suite\appsettings.json file. Then restart the Suite.

As @caglar.ayhan said, it is not possible to generate an entity without a property. And only way to workaround this is also explained by @caglar.ayhan.

We can not simply enable the generate button, because code generation process assumes that there are at least one property and without a property there will be compile errors on many places in the generated code. So we have to work on this if we want to allow generation without property.

I think you can add properties to AssemblyPart. Of course you will need many changes in the generated code.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13