Activities of "yilmaz.132"


Thank you very much. It worked when I added the code. What is the purpose of doing this?

Other services do not have this configuration, but it still works.


You can perform database migrations with the DbMigrator project and then run the project via tye. You will see the errors I mentioned in Identit Management and Identity Server Management in the Administration menu.

Hi, I sent the project source code to your e-mail address.

It didn't work. The new solution is created via OpenIddict and everything works smoothly there. But our application uses IdentityServer4.


I tried 2 scenarios.

  1. case: When I removed it from all projects, the same problem continued. I just added this in the Web and Auth project.
  2. case: When I remove it from all projects, I get the following error.
[web_6c4bc74a-5]: [15:42:43 WRN] Failed to refresh remote claims for user: 26af7673-d0d8-65ba-6dde-39fc9b34793c
[web_6c4bc74a-5]: System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: Response status code does not indicate success: 500 (Internal Server Error).
[web_6c4bc74a-5]: at System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage.EnsureSuccessStatusCode()
[web_6c4bc74a-5]: at Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.Client.RemoteDynamicClaimsPrincipalContributorCache.RefreshAsync(Guid userId, Nullable`1 tenantId)
[web_6c4bc74a-5]: at Volo.Abp.Security.Claims.RemoteDynamicClaimsPrincipalContributorCacheBase`1.GetAsync(Guid userId, Nullable`1 tenantId)
[web_6c4bc74a-5]: at Volo.Abp.Security.Claims.RemoteDynamicClaimsPrincipalContributorBase`2.ContributeAsync(AbpClaimsPrincipalContributorContext context)

Do I need to remove app.UseDynamicClaims from all service projects and add it only to the Web project? Did I get right?


I sent you the log files by e-mail.

Yes, adding the module fixed it, but why am I adding the Identity EFCore module? Because there was no need to add this in other similar projects.

Identity is another project and I manage it in database.

Actually no.

I want IssuerUri to be constant on IdentityServer side. It shouldn't change by domain. Micro-services cannot validate IssuerUri when IssuerUri varies by domain. For this, I close as follows, but I do not want it.

options.TokenValidationParameters = new Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.TokenValidationParameters { ValidateIssuer = false };

I add the following to fix IssuerUri in IdentityServer section. But it's not working. Configure<IdentityServerOptions>(options => { options.IssuerUri = ""; });


AuthServerModule: Configure<AbpTenantResolveOptions>(options => { options.AddDomainTenantResolver(configuration["App:TenantDomainFormat"]); //{0} }); Configure<IdentityServerOptions>(options => { options.IssuerUri = configuration["App:SelfUrl"]; // });

I define the IssuerUri as However, when logged in as, the issuer changes to in the .well-known/openid-configuration information.

My problem is on the IdentityServer App (AuthServer) side.

It is already defined in the web client application as you have forwarded in the link.

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