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Activities of "z2lai"

Thank you for the information. I'll go with your suggestion for now.

I just updated to the latest ABP CLI version: dotnet tool update -g Volo.Abp.Cli --version 6.0.0-rc.5 Tool 'volo.abp.cli' was successfully updated from version '6.0.0-rc.4' to version '6.0.0-rc.5'.

Logged into my commercial license and ran the command: abp get-source Volo.Abp.LeptonXTheme.Pro Got the following error:

[10:11:14 INF] ABP CLI (https://abp.io) [10:11:14 INF] Version 6.0.0-rc.5 (Prerelease) [10:11:15 INF] Output folder: C:\Users\ZhengLai\source\repos\leptonX [10:11:15 INF] Downloading source code of Volo.Abp.LeptonXTheme.Pro [10:11:15 INF] Version: Latest [10:11:15 INF] Output folder: C:\Users\ZhengLai\source\repos\leptonX Error occured while getting the latest version from https://abp.io/api/download/module/get-version/ : Remote server returns '403-Forbidden'. Message: volosoft/lepton repository has no release yet! [10:11:17 WRN] The remote service is currently unavailable, please specify the version. [10:11:17 WRN] [10:11:17 WRN] Find the following template in your cache directory: [10:11:17 WRN] Template Name Version [10:11:17 WRN] app 4.4.3 [10:11:17 WRN] app pro-4.4.4 [10:11:17 WRN] app pro-5.1.2 [10:11:17 WRN] app pro-5.2.1 [10:11:17 WRN] [10:11:17 WRN] Use command: abp new Acme.BookStore -v version

Thank you for all the information! I have a better understanding now and I've decided to go forward with using Vue 3 (without build tools) with ABP MVC UI.


I examined the Forms module but I couldn't find any dependencies for build tools, are you able to confirm if you are not using any build tools for bundling or compiling the Vue code (.js component files)? https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/deployment.html#Without-Build-Tools

Also, since Vue 3 is backwards compatible with Vue 2, do you think I can replace the @abp/vue standard package (which uses Vue 2) with the Vue 3 official package (since I want to use Vue 3 in my application), and still have the ABP Forms module still working?

If not, what's the likelihood of the Forms module upgrading to Vue 3 within the next 2 years?

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on February 07, 2025, 05:40