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Bugs & Issues v4.4.X #1543

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alper created
Support Team Director

To update both ABP CLI and ABP Suite to the latest preview, run the following command:

dotnet tool update -g Volo.Abp.Cli --version 4.4.0-rc.2 && abp suite update --preview

v4.4 Preview ABP Framework Version Notes

96 Answer(s)
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    anthonyh created

    ABP Framework version: v4.4.0
    UI type: Blazor
    DB provider: EF Core
    Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): no
    Exception message and stack trace: no
    Steps to reproduce the issue:"with ABP Suite create backend entity/aggregateroot mixed Singular and Plural name"

    Generated mixed:
    singular file name "IContactAppService.cs"
    plural file content "public interface IContactsAppService : IApplicationService"
    singular file name "ContactAppService.cs"
    plural file content "public class ContactsAppService : ApplicationService, IContactsAppService"

    Expected all singular:
    singular file name "IContactAppService.cs"
    singular file content "public interface IContactAppService : IApplicationService"
    singular file name "ContactAppService.cs"
    singular file content "public class ContactAppService : ApplicationService, IContactAppService"

    Workaround: Edit templates -> inside all templates with AppService dependency and replace %%entity-name-plural%% with %%entity-name%%

    I have seen users reported this issue in the Bugs & Issues v4.3.X post. Until v4.4.2 this issue still exists.

    ABP team please at least answer the question that other users also asked: "Is this a new approach for naming convention? Or is this a bug in the templates?"

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    Emanuele.Filardo created

    I have seen users reported this issue in the Bugs & Issues v4.3.X post. Until v4.4.2 this issue still exists.

    ABP team please at least answer the question that other users also asked: "Is this a new approach for naming convention? Or is this a bug in the templates?"

    Try to update abp cli, it was solved since 4.4.1.!

    If you have customized templates, you should remove those.

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    murat.yuceer created

    ABP Framework version: v4.4.2
    UI type: Blazor Server
    DB provider: EF Core

    When you create from module template, its not add lines below for Blazor.Server.Host module

                Configure(options =>
                    options.IsEnabled = MultiTenancyConsts.IsEnabled;
  • User Avatar
    anthonyh created

    I have seen users reported this issue in the Bugs & Issues v4.3.X post. Until v4.4.2 this issue still exists.

    ABP team please at least answer the question that other users also asked: "Is this a new approach for naming convention? Or is this a bug in the templates?"

    Try to update abp cli, it was solved since 4.4.1.!

    If you have customized templates, you should remove those.

    ABP Framework version: v4.4.2
    UI type: MVC
    DB provider: EF Core

    I already updated to 4.4.2 and I have not customized any templates before.
    In order to double check if this issue has been fixed or not, I ran
    dotnet tool update -g Volo.Abp.Cli
    abp suite update

    After doing that, I checked Server.AppService.AppService.txt in the Edit Templates page, the AppService name was still plural. You can see that in the picture below.


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    Emanuele.Filardo created

    I already updated to 4.4.2 and I have not customized any templates before.
    In order to double check if this issue has been fixed or not, I ran
    dotnet tool update -g Volo.Abp.Cli
    abp suite update

    After doing that, I checked Server.AppService.AppService.txt in the Edit Templates page, the AppService name was still plural. You can see that in the picture below.

    I've tried to unistall cli abp and now issue still there in 4.4.2

    Probably I have tested changes before reset template or customized was restored by wrong git.

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    hothsv created

    We have created a vanilla soluton using the microservices template and when running any unit tests we are getting an exception.

    Volo.Abp.AbpInitializationException : An error occurred during the initialize Volo.Abp.Modularity.OnApplicationInitializationModuleLifecycleContributor phase of the module Lighthouse.NavigateOnline.ProductService.ProductServiceTestBaseModule, Lighthouse.NavigateOnline.ProductService.TestBase, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null: An exception was thrown while activating Lighthouse.NavigateOnline.ProductService.EntityFrameworkCore.ProductServiceDbContext -> λ:Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbContextOptions1[[Lighthouse.NavigateOnline.ProductService.EntityFrameworkCore.ProductServiceDbContext, Lighthouse.NavigateOnline.ProductService.EntityFrameworkCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]].. See the inner exception for details. ---- Autofac.Core.DependencyResolutionException : An exception was thrown while activating Lighthouse.NavigateOnline.ProductService.EntityFrameworkCore.ProductServiceDbContext -> λ:Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbContextOptions1[[Lighthouse.NavigateOnline.ProductService.EntityFrameworkCore.ProductServiceDbContext, Lighthouse.NavigateOnline.ProductService.EntityFrameworkCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]].
    -------- System.ArgumentNullException : Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'connectionString')

    Stack Trace:
    ModuleManager.InitializeModules(ApplicationInitializationContext context)
    AbpApplicationWithExternalServiceProvider.Initialize(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
    AbpIntegratedTest1.ctor() ProductServiceTestBase1.ctor()
    ProductServiceRepositoryTests1.ctor() line 15 ProductServiceRepositoryTests.ctor() ----- Inner Stack Trace ----- ActivatorErrorHandlingMiddleware.Execute(ResolveRequestContext context, Action1 next)
    <>c__DisplayClass14_0.<BuildPipeline>b__1(ResolveRequestContext ctxt)
    <59 more frames...>
    DbContextOptionsFactory.Configure[TDbContext](AbpDbContextOptions options, AbpDbContextConfigurationContext1 context) DbContextOptionsFactory.Create[TDbContext](IServiceProvider serviceProvider) <>c__DisplayClass3_0.<Register>b__0(IComponentContext context, IEnumerable1 parameters)
    DelegateActivator.ActivateInstance(IComponentContext context, IEnumerable1 parameters) DelegateActivator.<ConfigurePipeline>b__2_0(ResolveRequestContext ctxt, Action1 next)
    DelegateMiddleware.Execute(ResolveRequestContext context, Action1 next) <>c__DisplayClass14_0.<BuildPipeline>b__1(ResolveRequestContext ctxt) DisposalTrackingMiddleware.Execute(ResolveRequestContext context, Action1 next)
    <>c__DisplayClass14_0.<BuildPipeline>b__1(ResolveRequestContext ctxt)
    ActivatorErrorHandlingMiddleware.Execute(ResolveRequestContext context, Action`1 next)

    Is there a workaround for this issue?

  • User Avatar
    Teknosol created

    Hi support,
    When I try to use suite, I get a warning that it is not installed. When I try to install it, it says it is already installed.

    dotnet tool install -g Volo.Abp.Suite --add-source<your-private-key>/v3/index.json

    When I try this, I get the message that it is installed.

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    hakan.uskaner created

    Hello support, i did open a ticket because of an update issue 9 days ago and till got no answer from you:

    I did not know that your response time is so long.. This isn't good guys.
    i would appreate if you get in contact with me.

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    hansmogren created

    Any update on the AppService plural names issue with ABP Suite?

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    nhontran created

    Hi Abp support team, we are exploring the "Form" module in the latest version (4.4.3) and got 500 error when clicking the Setting button, below are the screenshot and the log


    [17:20:13 INF] Executing endpoint '/Forms/Questions/EditSettingsModal' [17:20:13 INF] Route matched with {page = "/Forms/Questions/EditSettingsModal", action = "", controller = "", area = ""}. Executing page /Forms/Questions/EditSettingsModal [17:20:13 INF] Skipping the execution of current filter as its not the most effective filter implementing the policy Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.IAntiforgeryPolicy [17:20:13 INF] Executing handler method Volo.Forms.Web.Pages.Forms.Questions.EditSettingsModalModel.OnGetAsync - ModelState is Valid [17:20:13 ERR] ---------- RemoteServiceErrorInfo ---------- { "code": null, "message": "An internal error occurred during your request!", "details": null, "data": {}, "validationErrors": null } [17:20:13 ERR] Missing path parameter value for id (id) Volo.Abp.AbpException: Missing path parameter value for id (id) at Volo.Abp.Http.Client.DynamicProxying.UrlBuilder.ReplacePathVariables(StringBuilder urlBuilder, IList1 actionParameters, IReadOnlyDictionary2 methodArguments, ApiVersionInfo apiVersion) at Volo.Abp.Http.Client.DynamicProxying.UrlBuilder.GenerateUrlWithParameters(ActionApiDescriptionModel action, IReadOnlyDictionary2 methodArguments, ApiVersionInfo apiVersion)
    at Volo.Abp.Http.Client.DynamicProxying.DynamicHttpProxyInterceptor1.MakeRequestAsync(IAbpMethodInvocation invocation) at Volo.Abp.Http.Client.DynamicProxying.DynamicHttpProxyInterceptor1.MakeRequestAndGetResultAsync[T](IAbpMethodInvocation invocation)
    at Volo.Abp.Http.Client.DynamicProxying.DynamicHttpProxyInterceptor1.GetResultAsync(Task task, Type resultType) at Volo.Abp.Http.Client.DynamicProxying.DynamicHttpProxyInterceptor1.InterceptAsync(IAbpMethodInvocation invocation)
    at Volo.Abp.Castle.DynamicProxy.CastleAsyncAbpInterceptorAdapter1.InterceptAsync[TResult](IInvocation invocation, IInvocationProceedInfo proceedInfo, Func3 proceed)
    at Castle.DynamicProxy.AsyncInterceptorBase.ProceedAsynchronous[TResult](IInvocation invocation, IInvocationProceedInfo proceedInfo)
    at Volo.Abp.Castle.DynamicProxy.CastleAbpMethodInvocationAdapterWithReturnValue1.ProceedAsync() at Volo.Abp.Validation.ValidationInterceptor.InterceptAsync(IAbpMethodInvocation invocation) at Volo.Abp.Castle.DynamicProxy.CastleAsyncAbpInterceptorAdapter1.InterceptAsync[TResult](IInvocation invocation, IInvocationProceedInfo proceedInfo, Func3 proceed) at Volo.Forms.Web.Pages.Forms.Questions.EditSettingsModalModel.OnGetAsync() at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RazorPages.Infrastructure.ExecutorFactory.NonGenericTaskHandlerMethod.Execute(Object receiver, Object[] arguments) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RazorPages.Infrastructure.PageActionInvoker.InvokeHandlerMethodAsync() at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RazorPages.Infrastructure.PageActionInvoker.InvokeNextPageFilterAsync() [17:20:13 INF] Executing ObjectResult, writing value of type 'Volo.Abp.Http.RemoteServiceErrorResponse'. [17:20:13 INF] Executed page /Forms/Questions/EditSettingsModal in 22.8952ms [17:20:13 INF] Executed endpoint '/Forms/Questions/EditSettingsModal'

    Could you please help us check?

    Thank you.

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    gvnuysal created

    Hi support,

    I created a new tenant under the Saas menu on the abp commercial demo site.
    I cannot login with the admin username and password of the tenant I created.

    Could you please check?

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    gvnuysal created

    Hi support,

    I created a new tenant under the Saas menu on the abp commercial demo site.
    I cannot login with the admin username and password of the tenant I created.

    Could you please check?

    Now in our own project, I manually add the tenant admin user to the AbpUser.

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    0 created has below error. Also any guide to get this working with MS SQL Database ?

    Also i can't download the source.


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    improwise created

    When trying to create a new solution using ABP Suite we get:

    Error occured while getting the latest version from : Remote server returns '500-Internal Server Error'. Message: An internal error occurred during your request!
    [12:56:10 ERR] ---------- RemoteServiceErrorInfo ----------
    "code": null,
    "message": "An internal error occurred during your request!",
    "details": null,
    "data": {},
    "validationErrors": null

    Creating a new solution with same setup via (Community) seem to work.

  • User Avatar
    MILLENNIUM created

    I created upto date commercial version (4.4.3) using abp and abp suite (windows) (Angular)

    I edited the tempates in abp suite but has no affect!
    All generated code are being done using the default templates!
    I made sure that there is no (Outdated) templates
    And there is no error in termninal console

    Please support
    Thank you

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    vincent.goh created

    There's a bug in ABP Suite 4.4.3 where the entity creation feature results in a wrong namespace in the *.Blazor/Pages/[microservice_name]/[entity_name].razor.cs file.

    The correct namespace generated should be *.[microservice_name].Blazor.Pages.[microservice_name] instead of *.[microservice_name].Blazor.Pages

  • User Avatar
    improwise created

    ABP Framework version: v4.4.4
    UI type: Blazor Server
    DB provider: EF Core
    Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): no

    After upgrading to ABP 4.4.4 we can no longer create working projects in ABP Suite (have no tried other methods). The DBMigrator runs fine on a newly created project (default options, .net 5, no preview) but at runtime we get

    [17:46:09 INF] Authorization failed. These requirements were not met:
    PermissionRequirement: AbpAccount.SettingManagement

    [17:46:10 WRN] Unhandled exception rendering component: Undefined permission: Audit
    Volo.Abp.AbpException: Undefined permission: Audit

    and in the browser:

    blazor.server.js?_v=637706942980000000:21 [2021-11-10T16:46:09.985Z] Error: There was an unhandled exception on the current circuit, so this circuit will be terminated. For more details turn on detailed exceptions by setting 'DetailedErrors: true' in 'appSettings.Development.json' or set 'CircuitOptions.DetailedErrors'.

    We have also since last time we tried using ABP Suite upgraded from VS2022 Preview to Current, but I don't think that is the cause of the problem here. Could possibly be related to .net updates also.

  • User Avatar
    improwise created

    ABP Framework version: v4.4.4
    UI type: Blazor Server
    DB provider: EF Core
    Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): no

    After upgrading to ABP 4.4.4 we can no longer create working projects in ABP Suite (have no tried other methods). The DBMigrator runs fine on a newly created project (default options, .net 5, no preview) but at runtime we get

    [17:46:09 INF] Authorization failed. These requirements were not met:
    PermissionRequirement: AbpAccount.SettingManagement

    [17:46:10 WRN] Unhandled exception rendering component: Undefined permission: Audit
    Volo.Abp.AbpException: Undefined permission: Audit

    and in the browser:

    blazor.server.js?_v=637706942980000000:21 [2021-11-10T16:46:09.985Z] Error: There was an unhandled exception on the current circuit, so this circuit will be terminated. For more details turn on detailed exceptions by setting 'DetailedErrors: true' in 'appSettings.Development.json' or set 'CircuitOptions.DetailedErrors'.

    We have also since last time we tried using ABP Suite upgraded from VS2022 Preview to Current, but I don't think that is the cause of the problem here. Could possibly be related to .net updates also.

    Tried creating a project from the website and that seem to work, so only Commercial projects seem to be affected by this, so guessing maybe it is related to Lepton theme or something like that. MVC project seem to work find when created via ABP Suite but neither of the blazor templates seem to do.


    We tried to downgrade CLI and ABP Suite to 4.4.3 but that didn't change anything, maybe because it seems that they will still use ABP 4.4.4. packages in the created solution.

    I hope that this can be fixed ASAP as it is currenlty impossible to create new working projects using blazor in ABP Suite it seems.

    Edit 2:

    This seem to be a repeating problem, we also see simliar errors like:

    [13:45:21 ERR] Unhandled exception in circuit 'sF6jaNnBmq7Uz9BlWzCUc5UsyUK3S_RpvfUdCytjBok'.
    Volo.Abp.AbpException: Undefined permission: AbpId?

    Edit 3:

    Downgrading to 4.4.3 solved the problem kind of, but since ABP Suite always seem to default to latest packages, we had to create a new project with -t abp-pro -u blazor-server -v 4.4.4 and then add that to ABP Suite for it to work. If not, you still get the 4.4.4 packages even if ABP Suite and CLI installed is 4.4.3 it seems.

  • User Avatar
    improwise created

    ABP Framework version: v4.4.4
    UI type: Blazor Server
    DB provider: EF Core
    Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): no

    This line seem to appear in the obj/debug after having built a new Blazor server project created with ABP Suite in combination with an error which make the project not compile

    #line (1,31)-(1,48) 24 "M:\Projects\ASP.NET\ABP\src\TEST1\aspnet-core\src\TEST1.Blazor\Components\Layout\MainFooterComponent.razor"

    In VS2022 (both Preview and Current) the project seem to compile fine though, so not sure if this is an ABP problem or a Microsoft problem. All updated available to VS, .net etc have been installed.

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    jackmcelhinney created

    ABP Framework Version: v4.4.4
    UI Type: Angular
    DB provider: EF Core
    Identity Server Separated: No

    After upgrading to 4.4.4, my existing project and new projects with no changes both log a ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError error to the console on app component load.


    To reproduce:

    1. Create new project from ABP suite

    2. Run the initial migration

    3. Start the application

    4. Open browser developer console

  • User Avatar
    muhammedaltug created

    ABP Framework Version: v4.4.4
    UI Type: Angular
    DB provider: EF Core
    Identity Server Separated: No

    After upgrading to 4.4.4, my existing project and new projects with no changes both log a ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError error to the console on app component load.


    To reproduce:

    1. Create new project from ABP suite

    2. Run the initial migration

    3. Start the application

    4. Open browser developer console

    Hello @jackmcelhinney,

    This error message is non-blocking and has been fixed in v5.0

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on March 13, 2025, 04:08