We've already updated our ABP and we're now currently using the version 5.2.1 but we still encounter this problem that when renaming roles, it loses all the permissions checked before renaming the role. I've already tried to relogin but still the issue still persists.
ABP Framework version: v5.2.1
UI type: Blazor
DB provider: EF Core
20 Answer(s)
I will check it out
I could not reproduce the problem, can you share a project with me? shiwei.liang@volosoft.com
Please validate first the checked permissions on the role before renaming the role. Then check again the permissions assigned to that role after renaming it.
It will fail when changing the role name, but after refreshing the page everything works fine.
I tried refreshing but still loses permission. Here's the actual scenario on our end:
I still could not reproduce the problem
Can you share a simple project with me? shiwei.liang@volosoft.com
Our project is quite large already and a bit complicated if we drill it down to a simple project for this scenario. Is it possible that we have a meeting and we can sharescreen and give control so you can check on our end?
Ok, please email me when you are free.
Is your problem solved? I didn't receive your email.
Hi Liang,
Sorry I haven't got back to you. We can use google meet to have a call for this: https://meet.google.com/hyq-mdfp-gax
You can add me also on google chat and let me know if we can start the sharescreen session: adrianlibrando@gmail.com Thanks
Hi Liang,
I have got rid already the warning message from rabbit mq and we still encounter the problem. Also I've discussed it with my teammate already about the question you've sent and it seems the recommended fix there was already implemented on our project.
Is there any error log?
No error logs so far. You may try to reproduce by including the AbpEventBusRabbitMqModule on the application module.
Ok, I will check it and reply to you back.
Hi Liang,
I have got rid already the warning message from rabbit mq and we still encounter the problem. Also I've discussed it with my teammate already about the question you've sent and it seems the recommended fix there was already implemented on our project.
I have checked, and it works.
What fix steps did you do? Or I can check it remotely.
Hi Liang,
I have got rid already the warning message from rabbit mq and we still encounter the problem. Also I've discussed it with my teammate already about the question you've sent and it seems the recommended fix there was already implemented on our project.
I have checked, and it works.
What fix steps did you do? Or I can check it remotely.
We tried to manually removed the x-dead-letter-exchange on the queue on rabbitMQ and the warning message was removed. Let's set a remote session by tomorrow. I'll be emailing you an invite link to zoom tomorrow
Is your problem solved? I didn't receive your email.
Sorry got busy on some other Tasks. I've sent a link for the zoom meeting invite for later. Let me know if you'll be able to join the meeting today. Thanks.
It's a bug: https://github.com/abpframework/abp/issues/12665
We will fix it, your ticket will be refunded. for now, you can try this:
public class MyRoleUpdateEventHandler : IDistributedEventHandler<IdentityRoleNameChangedEto>, ITransientDependency { protected IPermissionManager PermissionManager { get; } protected IPermissionGrantRepository PermissionGrantRepository { get; } protected ICurrentTenant CurrentTenant { get; } public MyRoleUpdateEventHandler( IPermissionManager permissionManager, IPermissionGrantRepository permissionGrantRepository, ICurrentTenant currentTenant) { PermissionManager = permissionManager; PermissionGrantRepository = permissionGrantRepository; CurrentTenant = currentTenant; } public async Task HandleEventAsync(IdentityRoleNameChangedEto eventData) { using (CurrentTenant.Change(eventData.TenantId)) { var permissionGrantsInRole = await PermissionGrantRepository.GetListAsync(RolePermissionValueProvider.ProviderName, eventData.OldName); foreach (var permissionGrant in permissionGrantsInRole) { await PermissionManager.UpdateProviderKeyAsync(permissionGrant, eventData.Name); } } } }
The provided code fix is now working as expected. Thank you very much for the assistance.