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Your feature request 💡 #3052

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alper created
Support Team Director

You can post your feature request under this topic. If other members like the feature, they can upvote☝️ the post. Upvotes will be considered when choosing from feature requests.

Rules of posting to this thread:

  • Your post should only contain feature requests. Posts with bug reporting or asking questions will be removed.
  • Your feature request must be a generic feature that will be used by most of the ABP developers.
  • Your feature request must clearly explain the problem the feature solves.
  • If you have multiple feature requests, do not write them in separate posts. Merge all the requests in a single post.

160 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    AndrewT created

    When using Twilio and SmsMessage, add the ability to override the "From Number" in the SmsMessage.

    We are going to associate a number with each user and have the SMS messages be in "personal" threads.

    There may be some regulatory issues depending on country, and also you will need twilio approval as you are effectively spoofing someone elses mobile number.

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    AndrewT created

    I recommend closing this topic and highlighting what is in the Roadmap and what is not so that we can vote on which feature we consider priority.

    Now there are many proposals, but we don't know what you are working on.


    I agree should be raised as seperate issues in github and assigned to milestones.

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    roberto.fiocchi created

    We ask that you follow the Microsoft version lifecycle guides

    We have software in production created with Abp Commercial and our customers request to use only packages covered by Long Time Support.

    If we are forced to migrate to .Net 9 or any STS version we will be forced to look for other frameworks.


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    Sturla created

    There is no way to size the images used in blog posts. I would like a way to make each image eg. small, medium, large (like confluence does it)

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    Sturla created

    I want to be able to turn off cmsKit features for all blogs (e.g comments) for all tenants but now I can only turn everything on or add all features and skip the ones I don´t want (what happens when there is a new feature and I miss it!)

    Can we have something like this?

    GlobalFeatureManager.Instance.Modules.CmsKit(cmsKit =>
        cmsKit.EnableAllExcept(x =>  {
  • User Avatar
    improwise created

    I recommend closing this topic and highlighting what is in the Roadmap and what is not so that we can vote on which feature we consider priority.

    Now there are many proposals, but we don't know what you are working on.


    I agree should be raised as seperate issues in github and assigned to milestones.

    Isn't Github for non commercial ABP though? If so, things that apply to all of ABP probably should go there but stuff involving ABP Suite, ABP Studio, commercial modules etc should go in here? This should however still be clarified in the OP, especially as I just noticed there is a similar thread here for ABP Suite as well so it is a bit confusing.

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    DominaTang created

    Add User full name to class VerifySecurityCodeModel

  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    Add User full name to class VerifySecurityCodeModel

    You can override the VerifySecurityCodeModel page to add more properties of the users.

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    roberto.fiocchi created

    Isn't Github for non commercial ABP though? If so, things that apply to all of ABP probably should go there but stuff involving ABP Suite, ABP Studio, commercial modules etc should go in here? This should however still be clarified in the OP, especially as I just noticed there is a similar thread here for ABP Suite as well so it is a bit confusin

    There is also a Github with private repository for ABP Commercial. When we write here, sometimes, an Issue is opened in private Github, but we have no vision of work or planning. We never understand what the ABP team is working and if all our requests have been taken into consideration and, if yes, when they are implemented.

    In Aspnetzero, buying the license, you are included in the private Github because you have the right to see the source code of the whole application.

    In ABP Commercial, it would be nice if ABP Team could invite us as stakeholder (See Devops -Supported access levels) or users limited to seeing the Issue. (See GitHub - Creating an issues-only repository)

  • User Avatar
    DominaTang created


    Add User full name to class VerifySecurityCodeModel

    You can override the VerifySecurityCodeModel page to add more properties of the users.

    When editing Text Template via Admin page, there is a TextTemplate called "Abp.Account.EmailSecurityCode", this is the page to modify email content.

    I read the source of AccountAppService and override the method Send Security code. (Render email content from template part)

  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer

    When editing Text Template via Admin page, there is a TextTemplate called "Abp.Account.EmailSecurityCode", this is the page to modify email content.

    I read the source of AccountAppService and override the method Send Security code. (Render email content from template part)

    Correct. 👍

  • User Avatar
    Buckoge created

    HTML editor for Text Templates to enable end-users to easily edit text templates without requiring HTML knowledge. Example: HTML Editor Example

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    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer

    hi Buckoge

    We may need to use some variables or expressions in the template. I think it is best to have someone who knows a little bit about programming maintain the template.

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    Buckoge created

    Hi Maliming,

    Thank you for your response.

    I understand the need for variables and expressions in the templates, which is a key reason for using text templates—to create dynamic documents (contracts, annex, invoices, etc.) that automatically pull data from the application. Additionally, they allow end-users to customize documents according to their needs.

    We are aware that parts within {{ }} come from the application and should not be modified. For example:

        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec laoreet,
        dolor vel condimentum lobortis, lectus justo vehicula libero, ac suscipit quam lorem nec lacus.
        {{model.organization_name}}, lorem ipsum:

    However, our current text template becomes difficult to modify for documents that are several pages long—often 5, 6, or even more pages. I understand that implementing an HTML editor for text templates may not be a simple task, but it would significantly enhance working with these documents and provide additional flexibility for end-users.

    We would appreciate it if you could consider this suggestion and explore the possibility of implementing such an improvement.


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    fjinc created

    Hi We've recently upgraded our ABP version to v8.2 and we're excited to try the new Session management - particularly being able to enforce all user's of the application to have only one user on one device at any time.

    Our application is a tenanted one, I wonder if it would be possible to add to the Session setting page the ability to enforce the same session management across all tenants and their users from the Host tenant?

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    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer

    hi fjinc

    across all tenants and their users from the Host tenant?

    By default, users will not be across tenants. Can you explain it in detail?

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    fjinc created

    hi fjinc

    across all tenants and their users from the Host tenant?

    By default, users will not be across tenants. Can you explain it in detail?

    Hi maliming, What I mean is, as the Host tenant, I want to enforce all users across the application to use a specific session setting (eg 'Logout from all devices') so that I can force all the users of my application to have better security practices

    At the moment, I can only enforce this for the users of my tenancy which means to enforce for users in another tenant I have to impersonate the tenant admin and set the setting. It would be useful if we can do this all from our Host tenant admin account.

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    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer

    hi fjinc

    You can use IIdentitySessionRepository to remove all user sessions.

  • User Avatar
    fjinc created

    hi fjinc

    You can use IIdentitySessionRepository to remove all user sessions.

    Thanks maliming. I'm more suggesting a new ABP feature by adding to the existing setting management for Session management I'm aware we can make extensions to add this behaviour ourselves but it seems that it would be a useful feature to have for other people too.

    i.e. on this session setting page, as the host tenant admin user, I can enable settings to apply for all users of all tenancies

  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    I'm more suggesting a new ABP feature by adding to the existing setting management for Session management

    This does not conform to the current design of the saas module.

    You can override IdentitySettingGroupViewComponent component to customize it.

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    smansuri created

    Migrate react native to latest expo version with type script compatibility

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    improwise created

    Migrate react native to latest expo version with type script compatibility

    Totally agree with this. I almost get the feeling that the React Native mobile project has been dropped in ABP in favor of MAUI, which would have been a logical decision if Microsoft ever got MAUI to be a serious alternative. Current state of MAUI is of course not ABPs fault but it leaves us in a situation where there really isn't a viable mobile option in ABP besides creating your own

  • User Avatar
    improwise created

    Migrate react native to latest expo version with type script compatibility

    Totally agree with this. I almost get the feeling that the React Native mobile project has been dropped in ABP in favor of MAUI, which would have been a logical decision if Microsoft ever got MAUI to be a serious alternative. Current state of MAUI is of course not ABPs fault but it leaves us in a situation where there really isn't a viable mobile option in ABP besides creating your own

    Not sure if anyone actually read these threads but here is some more information about the actual ongoing work with this so there seem to be things happening

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    roberto.fiocchi created

    Add **SMTP OAUTH ** in Infrastructure Service or add a guide to configure MailKit to use SMTP OAUTH

    See Microsoft's announcement


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    MartinEhv created
    • UI Type: Blazor WebApp(hybrid server and wasm)

    • Ability to set template for CRUD N-N Navigation collections -- so that may define <select> (versus the Autocomplete that is currently default).

    Without it: it means it means will cost a lot of manual labor to go and override the control at the last minute. And means that for every CRUD refresh, we loose the UI fix and have to go-re-fix it interrupting flow and losing fluidity.

    Can i get some +1 upvotes on this?

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on March 05, 2025, 10:55