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Your feature request 💡 #3052

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alper created
Support Team Director

You can post your feature request under this topic.
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Rules of posting to this thread:

  • Your post should only contain feature requests. Posts with bug reporting or asking questions will be removed.

  • Your feature request must be a generic feature that will be used by most of the ABP developers.

  • Your feature request must clearly explain the problem the feature solves.

  • If you have multiple feature requests, do not write them in separate posts. Merge all the requests in a single post.

160 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    3 created

    Bulk SMS and Bulk SMS sending and inbox to users and customers (a new entity) since most abp projects will have a customer entity

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    1 created

    Integration with 3rd party applications module/ framework (background services).

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    5 created

    Export to excel button on abp suite generated pages

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    cleverplatform created
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    1 created

    Add example for document attachments of pages i.e sales orders details page you might want to add attachments and store them in a seperate page than file management page.

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    cleverplatform created

    To add color PropertyType for fields and with Color Picker with renderer used like jscolor.js

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    alper created
    Support Team Director

    We pick and prioritize feature requests based on widespread usage by the community.
    Features that are less usable are either not implemented or assigned low-priority.

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    barrett2474 created

    CRUD Generator for type Decimal should cater for scale and precision properties' of a Decimal type.

    Screenshot 2022-06-03 121831.jpg

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    barrett2474 created


    Cater for binary and XML type would be good.

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    Emanuele.Filardo created

    GUID properties type

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    barrett2474 created

    GUID properties type

    SQL Server has `uniqueidentifier' - or did you mean something else?

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    Emanuele.Filardo created

    GUID properties type

    SQL Server has `uniqueidentifier' - or did you mean something else?

    Sorry, in ABP Suite there isn't GUID type in "Define property" mask

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    jfistelmann created

    Make use of css variables in themes so that it is changeable with reasonable effort.
    Taking the lepton theme as an example:
    I need to set my own colors so that they match my corporate identity.

    Starting from lepton6.css (copied from source into my project) I have one screen with the app running, another with debug console and another with the css file. I need to check the hex codes used to then manipulate the style sheet, which is WAY more effort than just replacing a bunch of variables. And now that I replaced everything with variables I am less exited about updates in this area, because I now have to constantly monitor changes >.<

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    barrett2474 created

    ABP Suite - Preserve Custom Code Across Repeated CRUD Generations

    my common work-flow:
    generate crud->customise->re-generate crud->re-enter-previous customization-> repeat...etc

    • for the *.cs generated classes is would be very useful to be able to wrap custom code in a region - such that the CRUD engine can detect this region in the *.cs file allowing it to be preserved across CRUD generations.

    `#region CustomCode

    // ...custom code here


    This would be a massive boost in efficiency and a valued Feature in my opinion.

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    alper created
    Support Team Director

    ABP Suite - Preserve Custom Code Across Repeated CRUD Generations

    my common work-flow:
    generate crud->customise->re-generate crud->re-enter-previous customization-> repeat...etc

    • for the *.cs generated classes is would be very useful to be able to wrap custom code in a region - such that the CRUD engine can detect this region in the *.cs file allowing it to be preserved across CRUD generations.

    `#region CustomCode

    // ...custom code here


    This would be a massive boost in efficiency and a valued Feature in my opinion.

    this is one of the important features that we would like to implement.
    there are several approaches to preserving the custom code. we will find the best way to achieve this.

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    hakan.uskaner created
    • Add Parameter for Microservice to specify mongodb as dbms

    • Make it possible to change dbms after creation of solution . p.E from sql to postgres or mongo

    • Add Document howto add a standard template pro project into a microservice solution as service

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    barrett2474 created

    CRUD Generation - allow the option to select one or more Properties to become part of a Unique Constraint.

    This is a very common requirement across the projects I've worked on and although it can be enforced in other layers - I think having these constraints at the DB layer is best practice for a strong system.

    Example: EF SQL Server multi-tenant app - generated code might look something like:


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    Emanuele.Filardo created

    Built-in abp upgrade system, maybe using partial class or virtual methods for customer's customizations.

    No more file compare with windiff or git compare

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    cala created

    context independent version of SetDefaultRepositoryClasses ( to replace EfCoreRepository for the whole project )

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    FrancoisLabelle created
    • many-to-many with supporting custom properties in intermediate tables and wilth fully support on abp.suite

    • many-to-many UI with generated grids with related entity with options "New", "Update", "Link", "Unlink", "Delete" - example how it

    Of course we need this !!!

    In my humble opinion, it is like a standard basic feature that is missing. Almost all applications needs this, being able to add child records with multiple values/columns. And most, if not all, application template builder from the past 25 years has this kind of features. I'm really surprised that this is not already there in ABP Suite.

    • Actual 1-to-many or many-to-many feature should allow us, at least, to choose more than one field to be the "display property". We should be able to order them and pick the separator characte. Being able to enter something like a "format template", instead of a drop down list, would be good: E.g. {Name} - {Value} (Comments).

    • ID should be one of the available field to be picked as Display Property, especially if you choose it to be something else than a GUID (meaning that it is human readable/usable).

    • When creating a 1-to-many relation, an option should allow us to create the reverse relation at the same time.

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    cleverplatform created

    implement ConcurrencyLimiter / RateLimiter / PartitionedRateLimiter with underlying entities for collecting data and configurations per tenant / per user / per token

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    Emanuele.Filardo created

    ALL Pro modules for Blazor Server / WASM

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    Emanuele.Filardo created

    Basic commercial license less expensive with only Pro module license without ABP SUITE.

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    barrett2474 created

    ABP Suite

    the word "running" - as in 'a process that is running' - might be better than "working" in this message context.


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    alper created
    Support Team Director

    Export to excel button on abp suite generated pages

    Hey this feature is now available and can be tested with ABP v6.0.0-rc.1!

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on March 13, 2025, 04:08