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Abp-select not respecting 'nullable' field #3775

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dlapointe created
  • ABP Framework version: 6.0.0-rc.4

  • UI type:MVC

  • DB provider: EF Core

  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): no


The <abp-select> should be adding an empty SelectListItem if the field is not required (as per the doc) but it doesnt

Here is the viewmodel, you can see that TechnicianId is nullable

public class AssignInfoViewModel
        public Guid Id { get; set; }
        public Guid InstrumentId { get; set; }
        public Guid? TechnicianId { get; set; }
        public int Duration { get; set; }

Here is the view :
<abp-select asp-for="Info.TechnicianId" asp-items="Model.TechnicianLookupListRequired" label="@L["Technician"].Value" />

And here is the output, as you can see, there is no empty options so the user 'have' to select something even tough its a nullable property :

Thank you

4 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    I will check this, You can add an option now.

    <abp-select asp-for="Info.TechnicianId" asp-items="Model.TechnicianLookupListRequired" label="@L["Technician"].Value" >
        <option value="">Choose a Technician</option>
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    dlapointe created

    Ok thanks, ill add it.

    Just to be sure i understand correctly, if the issue we do submit is marked as an actual bug and not a wrong config / usage, we get our 'credit' back, right?

  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


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    dlapointe created

    Thank you

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on March 13, 2025, 04:08