Something I have found particularly frustrating is that unless you're on an enterprice license, you can't even reach out to the team directly for feedback or update - it''s a "post and wait" situation. We can't tag anyone, there is no escallation for priority issues, and no way to get updates.
Normally, this wouldn't bother me too much. Minor issues are usually something you can work elsewhere while you wait on, but something of this scale? It's crazy.
Thanks for your effort summarizing the situation and grouping all incidents :D
That said, it would be about time for Volo to shows up, even if the incident is not resolved yet, any kind of communication would be quite appreciated.
Thanks for the update. i couldn't find any other mention to this specific problem...
At least i can stop rebooting, restarting VS, deleting bin/obj, delete nuget cache etc!
Hi all,
Since this morning, i cannot restore my ABP Commercial project which reference this package
<ItemGroup> <PackageReference Include="Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.UI.Theme.LeptonX" Version="2.0.0-*" /> </ItemGroup>
On last friday, it was working pretty good. This morning, i cleaned / rebuilt and suddenly this nuget seems to be missing?! Has it been renamed?
Thank you
ps: as you can imagine, that is preventing me from working at all on this project as it doesnt build anymore :S
Thank you
Ok thanks, ill add it.
Just to be sure i understand correctly, if the issue we do submit is marked as an actual bug and not a wrong config / usage, we get our 'credit' back, right?
The <abp-select>
should be adding an empty SelectListItem if the field is not required (as per the doc) but it doesnt
Here is the viewmodel, you can see that TechnicianId is nullable
public class AssignInfoViewModel
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public Guid InstrumentId { get; set; }
public Guid? TechnicianId { get; set; }
public int Duration { get; set; }
Here is the view :
<abp-select asp-for="Info.TechnicianId" asp-items="Model.TechnicianLookupListRequired" label="@L["Technician"].Value" />
And here is the output, as you can see, there is no empty options so the user 'have' to select something even tough its a nullable property :
Thank you
As for the .netstandard, we moved the whole solution to .net6.
Hi all, I need to override the EditModal and CreateModal of the tenant page in order to customize a few fields added on the Tenant entity. So far i managed to get them added 'generically' by using the the ObjectExtensionManager as such :
This allows me to have the new fields in both popup but i need to customize the input for OpenAt and CloseAt to be a time picker and not a text input. (as you can see we use TimeOnly) I followed the documentation on how to override pages (both cshtml and .cs) but as i dont have access to this module code (SAAS) i dont know how to build the page.
At the moment, i did override based on the 'framework' tenant management module (
I did change the path to Saas/Host/Tenant but obviously it throws an error :
How can we override the Tenant edit/create popup without having access to the code (as a premium module) which is not available on Teams license?
Thank you
Thanks you! closing it ;)
Do you know then how we can change the picture on the login screen?
Thank you