ABP Framework version: v7.3.1
UI Type: MVC
Database System: PostgreSQL
Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): no
Exception message and full stack trace: None
Steps to reproduce the issue:
In the language key "DropPaste", there is a hardcoded tag "{browse}" that it's been used to translate to a hyperlink that helps select files in the computer.
But in the Spanish language, the "{browse}" tag is wrongly translated to "{navegar}" and that it's causing to break the hyperlink functionality
This is what it appears
Instead of the hyperlink as shown here.
A workaround to solve this is to modify the translation for the Spanish language and replace "{navegar}" back to "{browse}".
This happens in these two keys.
"DropPasteImport": "Suelta los archivos aquí, pégalos, %{navegar} o impórtalos desde",
"DropPaste": "Suelta los archivos aquí, pégalos o %{navegar}",
1 Answer(s)
We will fix it and your ticket refunded.