Boa tarde, Prezada(o). Espero que esteja bem.
Estou utilizando as propriedades de navegação e o tipo de seleção da UI Modal, porém, -importante ressaltar que não fiz nenhuma alteração, gerei através do Abp Suite- o botão "pick" simplesmente não funciona, não exibe a tabela.
Já debuguei o código, comparei com outro que está funcionando e está exatamente igual, mas não cheguei a nenhuma conclusão.
Detalhe que não apresenta nenhum erro no VSC e Console.
Aguardo o retorno,
Lucas Farias
8 Answer(s)
Can you write it in English? Thanks.
Good afternoon, Dear. I hope you are well.
I'm using the navigation properties and the Modal UI selection type, however - it's important to note that I didn't make any changes, I generated them through Abp Suite - the "pick" button simply doesn't work, it doesn't display the table.
I've already debugged the code, compared it with another one that is working and it's exactly the same, but I haven't come to any conclusions.
Detail that does not present any errors in VSC and Console.
Can you try your steps in the new project created by the Suite, reproduce the problem, and then share it?
Good morning.
No error is generated.
I believe that the application is not reaching the block below.
Below is a video about the "pick" button
rowAction: {
element: $("<button/>")
.addClass("btn btn-primary btn-sm m-btn--icon")
.prepend($("<i/>").addClass("fa fa-fa-search"))
.click(function () {
var pickedId = $(this).data().id;
var pickedDisplayName = $(this).data().displayName;
$('#NavigationPropertyLookupTableModal #CurrentLookupId').val(pickedId);
$('#NavigationPropertyLookupTableModal #CurrentLookupDisplayName').val(pickedDisplayName);
$('#NavigationPropertyLookupTableModal #CancelButton').click();
}) -
The video is zero kb
Update your
file asSomehow, it misses these codes.
@page @using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Localization @using Arquivar.Localization @inject IHtmlLocalizer<ArquivarResource> L @model Arquivar.Web.Pages.Shared.LookupModal @{ Layout = null; } <div id="NavigationPropertyLookupTableModal"> <abp-modal size="Large"> <abp-modal-header title="@(L["Pick"].Value)"></abp-modal-header> <input hidden id="CurrentLookupId" value="@Model.CurrentId" /> <input hidden id="CurrentLookupDisplayName" value="@Model.CurrentDisplayName" /> <abp-modal-body> <abp-table striped-rows="true" id="LookupTable"> </abp-table> </abp-modal-body> <div class="modal-footer"> <button id="CancelButton" type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-bs-dismiss="modal">@L["Cancel"]</button> </div> </abp-modal> </div>