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ABP Framework version: v4.2.1
UI type: Angular
DB provider: EF Core
Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yes
Exception message and stack trace:
Steps to reproduce the issue:
Created brand new solution with the abp cli.
Created a book entity and a db set. Created the migration and and added an app service.
(The BookStoreAppService inherits from AppService).
When i try this from swagger i get the 500 response as expected, however the book is still saved to the database.
Is there something obvoius that I'm missing? Somehow it seems to serious to have been overlooked :)
9 Answer(s)
I can't reproduce your problem.
Can you provide a project to reproduce? thanks.
Hi pontus,
You only need to delete theapp.UseUnitOfWork();
statement inBookStoreHttpApiHostModule
the reason:
ABP will useAbpUowActionFilter
to process work units by default. After adding middleware, it will useAbpUnitOfWorkMiddleware
to create work units first. InAbpUowActionFilter
, the original Exception was swallowed, andAbpUnitOfWorkMiddleware
considered that no exception occurred, so the data was submitted to the database.
I think this is a bug.
Thank you.
Please remove the repo on Github, because the source code has your linence key, it's not safe for you.
Please remove the repo on Github, because the source code has your linence key, it's not safe for you.
Thank you, it's removed.
We will fix it by
For now , you can try:
public class MyAbpUowActionFilter : IAsyncActionFilter, ITransientDependency { public async Task OnActionExecutionAsync(ActionExecutingContext context, ActionExecutionDelegate next) { if (!context.ActionDescriptor.IsControllerAction()) { await next(); return; } var methodInfo = context.ActionDescriptor.GetMethodInfo(); var unitOfWorkAttr = UnitOfWorkHelper.GetUnitOfWorkAttributeOrNull(methodInfo); context.HttpContext.Items["_AbpActionInfo"] = new AbpActionInfoInHttpContext { IsObjectResult = context.ActionDescriptor.HasObjectResult() }; if (unitOfWorkAttr?.IsDisabled == true) { await next(); return; } var options = CreateOptions(context, unitOfWorkAttr); var unitOfWorkManager = context.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetRequiredService(); //Trying to begin a reserved UOW by AbpUnitOfWorkMiddleware if (unitOfWorkManager.TryBeginReserved(UnitOfWork.UnitOfWorkReservationName, options)) { var result = await next(); if (!Succeed(result)) { await RollbackAsync(context, unitOfWorkManager); } return; } //Begin a new, independent unit of work using (var uow = unitOfWorkManager.Begin(options)) { var result = await next(); if (Succeed(result)) { await uow.CompleteAsync(context.HttpContext.RequestAborted); } else { await uow.RollbackAsync(context.HttpContext.RequestAborted); } } } private AbpUnitOfWorkOptions CreateOptions(ActionExecutingContext context, UnitOfWorkAttribute unitOfWorkAttribute) { var options = new AbpUnitOfWorkOptions(); unitOfWorkAttribute?.SetOptions(options); if (unitOfWorkAttribute?.IsTransactional == null) { var abpUnitOfWorkDefaultOptions = context.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetRequiredService>().Value; options.IsTransactional = abpUnitOfWorkDefaultOptions.CalculateIsTransactional( autoValue: !string.Equals(context.HttpContext.Request.Method, HttpMethod.Get.Method, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ); } return options; } private async Task RollbackAsync(ActionExecutingContext context, IUnitOfWorkManager unitOfWorkManager) { var currentUow = unitOfWorkManager.Current; if (currentUow != null) { await currentUow.RollbackAsync(context.HttpContext.RequestAborted); } } private static bool Succeed(ActionExecutedContext result) { return result.Exception == null || result.ExceptionHandled; } }
Configure<MvcOptions>(options => { options.Filters.RemoveAll(x => x.GetType() == typeof(AbpUowActionFilter)); options.Filters.Add<MyAbpUowActionFilter>(); });
AbpUowPageFilter also.
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