I want to know how to securely access the host APIs from postman like how do we set oauth tokens etc.
4 Answer(s)
hi safi
I think you can refer to the doc of POSTMAN.
HI let me expand on the question
We have a client that wants read only access to five APIs in a system created with ABP Suite / Commercial
What is the simplest way for us to give our client access to these 5 APIs eg with an auth token?
Can we set this up with Identity Server
Guys as always , an amazing project, but sometimes the docs dont cover everything.
big thank you
PS we know how to use postman , we were not asking ABP tech supprt to teach us postman, we were asking ABP support to help us with ABP ...
hi @nowayja
Thanks for your explain.
You can create a new API SCOPE, API RESOURCE and CLIENT.
Then use scope to protect the api(https://docs.identityserver.io/en/latest/topics/apis.html).
much appreciated
Thank you