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Activities of "nowayja"

Hi ABP gurus, starting from ABP Suite we generated a preview version with Blazor web assembly We have the latest visual studio 2022 preview with .net 6.0.100-rc.2.21505.57 The host starts fine but the browser hangs when running the web assembly We have tried debug and release modes running IIS and Kestrel but no luck. We get This Page Isn't Responding every time, whatever we do in both Edge and Chrome

We would love to get ahead of the curve and build our next soln in .net 6 but this is a blocker and I cant help thinking we are missing something obvious. (This has been tried on different machines by different developers with the same result)

ABP 4.3.3 Blazor WASM

We have a key client who host the ABP solution on Azure behind a proxy. Most urls are working correctly and set correctly in the IdentityServerClient tables. However Https:// ..... .well-known/openid-configuration is returning the forbidden URL of the Azure host rather than the poxy public facing address {"issuer":"https://restructed URL Behind the proxy ..... Rather than the correctly set URL in the database.

We are completely blocked from deploying because of this and looking at a short term hack of the identity server to get us live. It looks like the Identity server is using HttpContext.Request.Host rather than the database URL to set the URL values.

Do you have a simple way to override this with some kind of appsetings or DB setting.

Hope this makes sense, all other URLs are correct, just the Open ID ones are getting the server address behind the proxy rather than the public address.

ABP 4.3.0 Blazor

In other Blazor server projects I have used the following technique to communicate between background servces and the pages


An alternate to this would be sockets but I would prefer to use

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        State.OnChangeAsync += Refresh;
    private async Task Refresh()
        await InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged);
    public void Dispose()
        State.OnChangeAsync -= Refresh;

Do you know iif this approach will work with Blazor WASM or should I fallback to traditional SignalR sockets

Many thanks in advance



Many thanks Alper :)


Last time I logged this bug I was given a work around that broke other functionality. (increase the default page size from 10 to 300 :( ) The bug is thiis. When we have a navigation property with the UI set to dropdown I can only select from upto ten of the referenced entity

As you can see here, we need to be able to select other countries without having to HACK the autogenerated code

much appreciated

Thank you

HI let me expand on the question

We have a client that wants read only access to five APIs in a system created with ABP Suite / Commercial

What is the simplest way for us to give our client access to these 5 APIs eg with an auth token?

Can we set this up with Identity Server

Guys as always , an amazing project, but sometimes the docs dont cover everything.

big thank you


PS we know how to use postman , we were not asking ABP tech supprt to teach us postman, we were asking ABP support to help us with ABP ...


Thanks Alper - this was autogenerated, but i will just delete it for now as I dont really need it :)


This might be a noob problem. i am creating my first "module". So far so good but after I added an Entity "ProcAction" with abp suite, I cannot build the Blazot base, and bacause of that I cannot run update-database from package manager

Any tips appreciated

thx :)

Alper huge thank you - 36 hrs of head scratching and of course you are right. It was creating the seed database with some localhost settings that was causing the fail.

I still have some issues with browers not logging in, but they go away if I create a new browser profile

I have tried clearing all data for the sites but something in WASM might be caching.

Anyway apart from that (and its just me) we seem to be up and running.

I think you should put together a best practice deployment giude. I guess in hindsite a lot of this is now obvious, but it will smooth the path of future ABP converts.


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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on February 12, 2025, 05:21