Activities of "Anjali_Musmade"

Hello cxp920,

I am trying to reproduce the issue at my end with your code but I am not getting that error.

I made some changes in your code as below and it works fine at my end.

        await builder.AddApplicationAsync<Demo5937WebModule>(options =>
                var env = builder.Environment;
                if (env.IsDevelopment())
                    var pathSection = builder.Configuration.GetSection("PluginsFolderLocalPath");
                    var path = pathSection.Exists() ? pathSection.Value : null;
                    if (path != null)
                        options.PlugInSources.AddFolder(path, SearchOption.AllDirectories);
                    var configSection = builder.Configuration.GetSection("YourConfigKey"); // Replace with your actual configuration key
                    var configValue = configSection.Exists() ? configSection.Value : null;
                    if (configValue != null)
                        options.PlugInSources.AddFolder(configValue, SearchOption.AllDirectories);

could you please check with this code?

Please do let me know if it helps you.

Thank you, Anjali



is it possible to share the configs of project. like appsettings.json of mvc, authserver and ?


This dialogue shows your solution is created now try to run that application by following documentation Also do check the prerequisites to run microservice application.

Please do let me know if anything else needed.

Thank you, Anjali

Hello Spospisil,

I have done this through css only. I have added this code in main.css

.lpx-sidebar-container .lpx-nav-menu .lpx-menu-item-link {
    border-bottom: 1px solid black !important;

If you want to add style to particular menu item then you can give style by using its id just like below

a#MenuItem_BlazorWasm2\.Home { /* at my side this is id for home menu item*/
    border-bottom: 1px solid white !important;

please do let me know if it helps you,

Thank you, Anjali


Do you mean to say like this ?

Please confirm me on this or else please elaborate more on your question if possible.

Thank you, Anjali

Hello iteabr2020,

HTTP/2's use of a single TCP connection is not typically a bottleneck; in fact, it's one of the key features designed to improve performance. HTTP/2's multiplexing capability allows multiple requests and responses to be multiplexed over a single connection, which can lead to more efficient use of that connection.

Also have look to this

Thanks, Anjali



is your Auth Server up and running on this can you hit on your browser and see if it works please check URL of AuthServer.Authority throughout application do you have the SSL attached the iis site where authserver is server? also try flushing Redis server


Sorry for the inconvenience I will check and get back to you asap

Hello Spospisil You can override styles from index.html file like below

Below is the pat for file

You will see output like this with override css

Hello iteabr2020,

Have you checked this please try to find out issue on chrome by following this.

I think your application is working on another browsers so it might not be issue related to performance, It should be browser related issue and need to find that issue.

Thanks, Anjali

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