I have two questions plz:
1- How can we specify which service tenant database a microservice should work with (e.g., Microservice_Tenant1_Products, Microservice_Tenant2_Products, etc.)?
2- When we add new database migrations at the service, how should we handle them considering that each tenant has its own separate service database? how this migration will be applied to all service tenant dbs?
and if i have an EditionId, how to get the features related to it?
ABP Framework version: v9.0.4
We are currently working on a solution that involves Editions, where each Edition should include specific Features. These Features are to be represented as service modules in our architecture. We intend to set up dynamically a separate database for each tenant for every service module they are using.
What is the best practice to implement this please?
i fixed the error by adding
ValidateAudience = false
and now policy.RequireAuthenticatedUser();
is working fine
but when i used
i get 403 error
plz advise.
We are using a new microservice solution with YARP. What i want to do exactly is adding authentication and authorization on my gateway, so i added an AuthorizationPolicy on the route i want to secure (wanna configure the authorization policy by providing the AuthorizationPolicy value in the route configuration)
"Routes": { "order": { "ClusterId": "order", "AuthorizationPolicy": "authenticated", "Match": { "Path": "/api/order/{**catch-all}" } },
and also i want to use a custom policy
i added
app.UseAuthentication(); app.UseAuthorization();
context.Services.AddAuthorization(options => { options.AddPolicy("authenticated", policy => policy.RequireAuthenticatedUser()); });
but raised error related to authentication, and when i added
context.Services.AddAuthentication("Bearer") .AddJwtBearer(options => { options.Authority = "http://localhost:44349"; options.RequireHttpsMetadata = false; options.Events = new JwtBearerEvents { OnAuthenticationFailed = context => { var exception = context.Exception; Console.WriteLine($"Authentication failed: {exception.Message}"); return Task.CompletedTask; }, OnTokenValidated = context => { var token = context.SecurityToken; Console.WriteLine($"Token validated: {token}"); return Task.CompletedTask; } }; });
raised error related to invalid audiance
Please i want an example on the correct way to configure the authorization policy by providing the AuthorizationPolicy value in the route configuration.
We are looking to implement authorization for an API Gateway. Specifically, I am interested in integrating YARP with ABP, with a focus on managing authentication.
Could you provide guidance on the best approach for integrating YARP with ABP to handle authentication, particularly for token-based systems such as JWT? I am also looking for best practices or sample code, particularly on how to securely add and use AuthorizationPolicy(default , anonymous, custom policy..) in the context of an API Gateway.
Any documentation or sample code to assist with this process would be greatly appreciated.
and could you please clarify why the public site is being created using Razor, even though Angular was selected as the UI framework?
We do not maintain multiple templates. You can choose any UI of your preference as the public website.
We redesigned the layout of our public website and it will be launched in the next version.
Can you please guide me on how to create a public Angular application? I've tried several workarounds, but none of them seem to work.
also if i want to add a ContactUs page to my Angular public application, how can i do this using CMS kit?
Sorry, currently, the ABP CMS kit module's public site only provides MVC UI. You need to implement it yourself by calling the CMS kit API. you can download the CMS module source code to refer to the MVC implementation code.
need a documentation for using the CMS kit APIs with creating new UI plz
As u can see my application is using angular, so does angular support override login components?
Angular uses code flow by default; You usually need to override AuthServer(MVC) pages.
Both angular components and mvc pages support override
Is there an example or documentation that can help for overriding the AuthServer please?
also if i want to add a ContactUs page to my Angular public application, how can i do this using CMS kit?
Sorry, currently, the ABP CMS kit module's public site only provides MVC UI. You need to implement it yourself by calling the CMS kit API. you can download the CMS module source code to refer to the MVC implementation code.
Hello, Does abp support CMS Kit module's admin site to be angular?