Activities of "MichelZ"

Nevermind.... this was actually a deployment issue. The latest version didn't deploy properly, that's why I wasn't able to see the menu items :)

Looks like this is working now!

We found some of the 5.1.2 packages has some directory separator problem and we'll fix it very soon.

Interesting. We do see issues as well currently involving some of these packages, but our MO is a bit different. We get

@MichelZ, I am guessing you are using mac. Seems like the same problem with different error message.

We are using docker, so it's linux. But yes, seems like the same problem.

Interesting. We do see issues as well currently involving some of these packages, but our MO is a bit different. We get

#131 15.06 /usr/share/dotnet/sdk/6.0.101/Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(2304,5): warning MSB3106: Assembly strong name "/root/.nuget/packages/volo.abp.commercial.core/5.1.2/lib/netstandard2.0/Volo.Abp.Commercial.Core.dll" is either a path which could not be found or it is a full assembly name which is badly formed. If it is a full assembly name it may contain characters that need to be escaped with backslash(\). Those characters are Equals(=), Comma(,), Quote("), Apostrophe('), Backslash(\). [/src/src/company.product.Domain.Shared/company.product.Domain.Shared.csproj]

however it might as well be because the packages can't be downloaded properly...

We are experiencing the docker issue, too.


We get the same issue. Additionally we see a few of these errors:

#37 145.3 /usr/share/dotnet/sdk/6.0.101/Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(2304,5): warning MSB3106: Assembly strong name "/root/.nuget/packages/volo.abp.commercial.core/5.1.2/lib/netstandard2.0/Volo.Abp.Commercial.Core.dll" is either a path which could not be found or it is a full assembly name which is badly formed. If it is a full assembly name it may contain characters that need to be escaped with backslash(\). Those characters are Equals(=), Comma(,), Quote("), Apostrophe('), Backslash(\). [/src/src/company.product.Domain.Shared/company.product.Domain.Shared.csproj]

We also might start tweeting them...

It's urgent.

Same here

Hi @ismcagdas

I have mostly switched away from a docker-based local workflow that needs frequent downloading of packages, so I can't really say for sure. Might try again in the future, but good to know that improvements were made, thank you!


And I have this issue again with 409. I haven't heard back from my e-mail about IP Addresses....

#28 2.185 Determining projects to restore... #28 15.20 Failed to download package 'Volo.Abp.TextTemplateManagement.Domain.Shared.4.4.2' from '<key>/v3/package/volo.abp.texttemplatemanagement.domain.shared/4.4.2/volo.abp.texttemplatemanagement.domain.shared.4.4.2.nupkg'. #28 15.20 Response status code does not indicate success: 409 (Conflict). #28 33.23 Failed to download package 'Volo.Abp.Account.Pro.Shared.Application.4.4.2' from '<key>/v3/package/'. #28 33.23 Response status code does not indicate success: 409 (Conflict).

Hi @MichelZ

I'm not %100 sure but your requests might be blocked by our firewall. Is it possible to share your IP with us so we can check this ? You can share it with

Also, using a nuget cache for your docker builds might help to solve this problem and speed up your development, see

Thanks, I have sent an e-mail. The BuildKit thing is a good idea and I will look into this, thank you!

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