I am not sure whether to report this under 4.2 or 4.1. I just generated a new project using Suite. My ABP CLI and Suite are version 4.1.2. After creating a new tiered MVC project, I am getting a bunch of errors about missing Volo.CmsKit.Pro* packages.
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error NU1101 Unable to find package Volo.CmsKit.Pro.HttpApi. No packages exist with this id in source(s): ABP Commercial NuGet Source, BlazoriseMyGet, Microsoft Visual Studio Offline Packages, nuget.org, OtisEd NuGet Source IronGlass.HttpApi C:\AppDev\IronGlass\IronGlass\aspnet-core\src\IronGlass.HttpApi\IronGlass.HttpApi.csproj 1
@scott7106 v4.1.2 has some issues already reported. can you try to generate a new project now. the stable version of v4.2 has released 4 days ago. before that preview version was online and if you don't specifically add --preview parameter it always creates from the latest stable.
@kfrancis, yes this is not a good development experience, therefore we decided to make Account.Pro
and Lepton Theme
s source-code downloadable to Team License owners. So you can achieve your requirement. We are working on this new feature and implement the required changes in the next upcoming version. thanks for your understanding.
@edelivery top menu isse has been reproduced and just fixed. next week there's a plan for patch release v4.2.1. this and other reported issues will be fixed in that version.
@gvnuysal can you write your project type for the decimal value issue ?
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extra information
1- see this https://gist.github.com/ebicoglu/f7cd77069fa053cbe9cf9e9ffcc2f2d2
2- Don't use Alpine before v4.2.X . You can use mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:5.0-focal
or any other distro that has /bin/bash
. ABP After ABP v4.2 you can use any Linux distro you want.
check out https://stackoverflow.com/a/46062496/1767482
it seems like you have a permission problem. (not related to ABP)
you can follow the steps:
Step 1: uninstalling angular/cli and nodejs as administrator. Step 2: Delete folders from% appdata% (npm, npm-cache) Step 3: delete "nodejs" folder from Programs and Files Step 4: Reboot Step 5 Reintall lastest version node (not as administrator) Setp 6: Install angular/cli (not as administrator)
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