Activities of "alper"

@trendline, see =>

Most likely, there's an invalid cookie related with another project. The cookie names are same, so when you run different projects, it cannot be validated.

Other potential problem can be, the IdentityServer project is not running.

See this doc => it's MVC based but I guess it'll guide you.


it doesn't support module templates for now. this feature will be added in the next releases

this feature is coming up in 2.4.1 (will be released 8 April)

there's no template for adding the DbSet to the DbContext. Wait for v2.4.1 which I guess solves your problem (probably it'll be released today 08 April) If it's not solved, I need to get your solution to reproduce it.


For the Razor Pages, you need to create your own setting management page and you can use ISettingProvider to retrieve your settings & values. See

You need to update your local EF Core CLI tool to the latest. Run the below command in command prompt:

dotnet tool update --global dotnet-ef

I couldn't reproduce your problem. There'll be new version on Monday 06 April. Can you try with the latest version. In the new version, there's also a new feature: "Unit test". Suite creates unit tests of your entity.


In this doc it's explained

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