Hi Team,
Thanks, This works as expected.
OK Thanks, I will get back to you If I have other queries related to this
Its same application I just override the side menu with eThemeLeptonXComponents.Routes but when I switch to mobile view its show the default view(which was original, before override) not the overridden view.
Hi Team,
I would like to have a list of tables which should be only present in tenant database and tables which should be present in non-tenant database. If you can provide the list that will be very helpful.
I want to register/add new custom themes in the project, can you please let me know the steps, how can I implement this ? and those should appear in theme section as pointed in screenshot
If I am not logged in and hit http://localhost:4200 it redirect me to http://localhost:4200/account/login?returnUrl=%2F
After login I got redirected to my dashboard which is fine, After navigating from menu to diff screens is also working fine.
But as soon as I either click on Logo or redirect to http://localhost:4200 nothing appears in screen Please review the screenshot, How can I resolve this ?
Hi @Anjali_Musmade
I make progress with your suggestion
I use replaceable for overriding UI of side menu, Please see the menu items screenshot #1 **But when I switch to mobile UI then it is not overriding things, Its showing old default items. Please see screenshot #2 ** #1 ----------------------------
#2 ----------------------------
how can I override this as well ?
Hi Team,
I am upgrading ABP to 7.2.2. Backend works well and UI as well.
The only issue is side menu layout is not styled correctly.
Please review the screenshot and suggest me how can I fix this and have correct css formatting
Here are the details for configuration.
app.module.ts ThemeLeptonXModule.forRoot(), SideMenuLayoutModule.forRoot(),
shared.module.ts imports:[ ThemeLeptonXModule ]
{ "input": "node_modules/@volosoft/ngx-lepton-x/assets/css/side-menu/layout-bundle.css", "inject": false, "bundleName": "layout-bundle" }, { "input": "node_modules/@volosoft/ngx-lepton-x/assets/css/side-menu/layout-bundle.rtl.css", "inject": false, "bundleName": "layout-bundle.rtl" },
Thanks Team, This works well.
Hi Team,
I would like to allow some special characters in username and email of identity user.
Can you please guide me how can I achieve this.
Currently I'm getting this error "Username 'pankaj.bhasin-O'mail@initto.ca' is invalid, can only contain letters or digits." (this is the test email sample and error which I'm getting, I would like to allow -' and other special characters in UserName and Email)