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Activities of "cotur"

Hi rick@i-pulse.nl,

You should create different http-api layer for public gateway.


You cannot split one layer for different usages. So you may create a new layer for using in public gateway and add only which one you required.


But please be careful about it. If you did not carefully cover that with permission, it might occur a security problem.


Also adding case insensitive filter would be very useful.

Correct, it should be case-insensitive. This has been added to our todo list. :)



ABP Applications uses a Middlewre to determine the tenant.

This middleware uses different contributor for trying to find tenant id by given order. When it finds a tenant id, the rest of contributors won't be executed.

  1. CurrentUserTenantResolveContributor > This should always be the first contributor for the security.
  2. QueryStringTenantResolveContributor
  3. FormTenantResolveContributor
  4. RouteTenantResolveContributor
  5. HeaderTenantResolveContributor
  6. CookieTenantResolveContributor

If the CurrentUserTenantResolveContributor returns the tenantId, then the QueryStringTenantResolveContributor will not be executed.

This contributors are checkin the parameter that defined in the AbpAspNetCoreMultiTenancyOptions for the tenant id.

You can change it by configuring it as @maliming defined before.

services.Configure<AbpAspNetCoreMultiTenancyOptions>(options =>
    options.TenantKey = "MyTenantKey";

The whole tenant resolving works as defined in the documentation https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/Multi-Tenancy#default-tenant-resolvers

How you achieve your problem;

  1. You may change the order of resolvers. As I understand, you want to make some changes for other tenant that the user does not related.
  2. You may add your custom tenant resolver. https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/Multi-Tenancy#custom-tenant-resolvers

If you want to make your custom tenant resolver the first executed one, don't forget the change resolver orders.


Hello @ademaygun,

We will inspect it. Thanks for informing us.

Hi @spospisil,

however I now need a repositiory routine to only give me a list of the tenants for the passed in tenant guid.

I could not understand that,

Did you mean: "list of the users for the passed tenant guid?"

Hi @Shoba24,

Can you please share some logs from production?


Hi yousef.h58

  • How to use it on other Blazor pages? If you mean that to use "components" in other pages, Organization Units has component named OrganizationUnitsManagement, you can use it.

  • How to customize the Treeview component? We use Blazorise.TreeView component, you can directly update the source code by your own design.

  • Is the source code or samples are available? We don't have sample about how to use Organization Units.

  • Any documentation available? Unfortunately we have no well detailed documentation about it. We will work on it.

Hi @thaithiendi

The downloaded solution with abp get-source Volo.FileManagement command is not a standalone application, it contains the module source code,

If you want to test the module, there is a small applications (for test purpose) in the host folder. They don't need a migrator project, just cast dotnet ef database update in the related host project.

Please don't forget that the host projects are just for testing.

For now, unfortunately you need to add it to your microservice template by yourself.

@maliming : Please refer to how the permission-management, setting-management, language-management, audit-logging modules was added.

Hi @Spospisil,

There was a small bug for Easy-Crm that we missed previous release. The bug will be fixed in the next patch release, it will be soon.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on February 17, 2025, 05:40