What is the reasoning for the new directory structure of solutions created with ABP Suite / ABP Studio? It used to be that you got a folder for each "application" under the main directory like "MyApplication" = > "aspnet-core", "angular", "react-native" etc but now it seems to be that angular and react-native folders are moved within what used to be the aspnet-core folder. So now you have SLN file and "test" folder for aspnet-core stuff right next to your angular and react-native folders, even though they are stand alone applications (kind of).
Is this even an intended change or some kind of bug? There might be advantages of this as well, like using only one repo for everything etc (which could be both good or bad depending on personal preference).
You can of course change this after creation, but I would imagine that doing that would break code generation etc?
Is there a guide on if we want to tidy this up a bit and still make sure that ABP Suite etc works (and that won't break with updates etc)?
I also want to know why change the structure, difficult to maintain code changes history in git
I am a bit unsure what the purpose of these "Release X" threads are and if someone from ABP is actually monitoring them. ABP really needs to implement something similar to GitHub Issues for Commercial customers so you can track progress of active items like you can for the open source version.
This is about the ABP Framework and solutions created using that, not the ABP website :)
I guess this can be closed now?
Note sure if it is related but it seems like ABP Suite / ABP Studio for whatever reason have changed the folder structure and no longer creates a aspnet-core folder for .NET stuff, instead it just puts angular and react native folder right alongside SLN files etc. in the SOLUTIONNAME folder where there used to be an aspnet-core folder. Either that or it breaks when putting a "." in the solution name like CompanyName.Project but that has worked before.
Wrote about that in the 8.3 thread but no feedback on why yet.
Honestly, not due to ABP but we have given up on MAUI for now even tough we are .NET people. Would really like to use it though if/once it becomes ready for prime time including tooling that does not break as soon as you try to install Firebase packages etc. The dream to finally get rid of JS continues to be a dream but one day :)
But that is probably another discussion, but that is the main reason we did not continue trying to get it to work properly with ABP. I hope you manage to get it sorted for your needs.
Thanks for the heads up, we've had great success with Blazor Server and the ABP libraries that utilise that architecture, with the rapid development due to not having to duplicate all dto's in C# and javascript and the magic SignalR connection between server and browser, but our mobile journey is just beginning.
We seem to have hit a very large brick wall at the moment, and we really want to utilise HTML, CSS and razor pages rather than .XAML......but we shall have to see how this all ends up!
Xamarin Forms AFAIK is EOF now so it's all MAUI. Don't think that neither ABP nor Blazor is the main problem here for the time being. Would be really nice to be able to reuse Blazor though all the way.
Honestly, not due to ABP but we have given up on MAUI for now even tough we are .NET people. Would really like to use it though if/once it becomes ready for prime time including tooling that does not break as soon as you try to install Firebase packages etc. The dream to finally get rid of JS continues to be a dream but one day :)
But that is probably another discussion, but that is the main reason we did not continue trying to get it to work properly with ABP. I hope you manage to get it sorted for your needs.
Unless things have changed very recently, we can confirm seeing the same problem, app would not run without the backend available. In our case, that was not a problem so we never bothered to investigate it further. This is true also with the app deployed to my Android with the backend i Azure stopped.
What is the reasoning for the new directory structure of solutions created with ABP Suite / ABP Studio? It used to be that you got a folder for each "application" under the main directory like "MyApplication" = > "aspnet-core", "angular", "react-native" etc but now it seems to be that angular and react-native folders are moved within what used to be the aspnet-core folder. So now you have SLN file and "test" folder for aspnet-core stuff right next to your angular and react-native folders, even though they are stand alone applications (kind of).
Is this even an intended change or some kind of bug? There might be advantages of this as well, like using only one repo for everything etc (which could be both good or bad depending on personal preference).
You can of course change this after creation, but I would imagine that doing that would break code generation etc?
Is there a guide on if we want to tidy this up a bit and still make sure that ABP Suite etc works (and that won't break with updates etc)?
The error is here in this generated code where it is trying to assign string values for true and false instead of the boolean values (ie remove '' and it will work). Also, the [Validators.required] should probably be removed as well.
published: [published ?? 'true', [Validators.required]],
notificationOnPublish: [notificationOnPublish ?? 'false', [Validators.required]],
Can confirm that we are seeing the same thing for newly created 8.3 Angular app. Have not checked if it is an ABP or Angular problem yet though. We are also getting the same number of warnings, ie hundreds of them just for a single page.