Activities of "jfistelmann"


I would guess that this is because of the different localization resource.

does this help?


no, that is not possible without HEAVY customization of nearly everything abp related.

May I ask why you want to do that?



does this help you?

Please also note that you may have to clear your browser storage as the favicon may be cached (best to test a change in incognito mode)


there are different things that need to be done depending on what exactly you want to customize. From your question I am guessing that you just want to replace css.

Here's the documentation on how to do that: LeptonX Blazor WASM Customization

LeptonX MVC Customization

Volosoft Youtube Video about LeptonX Customization

Does that solve your issue?

May it be that abp install-libs was not executed in the deployment process?


first thing to notice: dooes the module really depend on something which involves the commercial license? if not -> resolve that.

if it does depend on commercial license:

the commercial license part is inside the appsettings.secrets.json. just open the solution in vs code (for example) and search for "AbpLicenseCode"

This is the thing you need to have set individually for each of your customers. In the example above, we have that several times. You may want to work with things like a common.props or Directory.Build.props file to reduce the amount of files needed to change and you may also want to exclude that file from change tracking.

Hey, the logic for that comes from the leptonx package which source you can download via abp suite.

I would assume that the packages are not up to date. Ensure that your package.json looks something like this:

  "version": "1.0.0",
  "name": "my-app",
  "private": true,
  "dependencies": {
    "@volo/abp.aspnetcore.mvc.ui.theme.leptonx": "~2.3.2",
    "@volo/aspnetcore.components.server.leptonxtheme": "~2.3.2",
    "@volo/cms-kit-pro.admin": "~7.3.2",
    "@volo/account": "~7.3.2",
    "@volo/language-management": "~7.3.2"

If you changed something, run abp install-libs. after that, everything should be normal again.

Let me know I guessed correctly and if the solution helped :)

Kind regards Jack



what is it exactly what you're trying to do here?

You wrote that you're using Blazor Server, but the code is MVC. Are you building a Widget?

If so, can you share the complete code that is related to that Widget along with the code on how it is invoked?

The first thing that seems strange to me (in case we're talking about a widget here) is the @page directive - which a Widget does not need.

Also: What exactly is null (Exception details)?

Happy to hear that you solved it :)

in order to change the UI you need to change this here, coming from the Volo.Abp.Identity.Pro Module:

You can not use ViewComponents in Blazor.

You would need to either implement a Blazor component for that or provide a cshtml file (like it's done here)

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