Activities of "scott7106"


We made a change which helped eliminate one of the two issues we were encountering. The lock issue was due to the package Hangfire.MemoryStorage. We were able to resolve this issue by switching to Hangfire.InMemory from HangfireIO. Parallel execution vs. serial execution no longer makes a difference in the results.

We confirmed that our ConfigureServices exactly matches your example including the call to disable the UOW. We were missing the null conditional operator in the OnApplicationShutdown method. Adding this reduced the number of errors we are seeing. However, it has not eliminated them. We are still seeing random failures. We are not sure what it means, but we are seeing the issue more frequently on the GitHub action servers running Ubuntu 20.04 than on our Windows / MacOS development machines. It is happening at times on all 3 platforms, just more frequently in our GitHub actions.

The error is "Unable to satisfy conflicting requests for 'Volo.Abp.MultiTenancy'". We have isolated the issue to a dependent module which did not get updated. I believe we can close this ticket now.


Thank you for the fast response yesterday. Running the update command again did update all the relevant references to 7.3.1 as expected. As a side note, I create a new project as you suggested and it is using 2.3.*-* for the LeptonX package. I changed this and backed up to the last release build since I do not want preview packages.

Even with all of this, the dotnet restore command still errors out after 10+ minutes. We are continuing to investigate the issue, I will report back when we have more information.

Any update on the last 2 questions in this thread? It has been a week now with no response.

@maliming I see there is a new version of ABP (7.3.1). When I update CLI to 7.3.1 and then run the abp update command, the NPM packages are updated to 7.3.1 however, the nuget packages are still 7.3.0. Is this the expected behavior of this release?

@maliming Do you guys have a contingency plan in case myget does not return?

  • reports all services down (for over 24 hours now)
  • reports that the Azure App service is not running
  • Their twitter account (@mygetteam) has not posted in nearly 3 years

From my perspective, this is looking very much like a dead project at this point.

We removed offline_access which helped resolve the original issue. If you close the browser and walk away for more than an hour, you now must login again to access the site.

However, it creates another problem with the angular application. Once the IdentityToken expires, but before the AccessToken expires, the application automatically logs the user out and back in. If they are in the middle of a editing form when this happens, their data is lost as they are returned to the home page.

You have already user id in our test system at if you want to see what happens for yourself.

We added the following code to the PreConfigureServices method in the HostModule so that we could iterate faster on the testing. The login succeeds, after 4 mins, the user is automatically logged out and back in without being prompted for a user / password.

PreConfigure<OpenIddictServerBuilder>(builder =>

Thanks for the screenshot. Is that information available anywhere so that your commercial clients can see it without opening a ticket?

I will try that. Did you try running it without it being on the debugger? Since it is a timing issue, the debugger could potentially affect the issue.

No. I have not been able to reproduce this in a new project. The project with the issue was created using Suite v7.0.1. We have upgraded several of our projects to the latest version of ABP. This issue is only occurring in one of them. It is something specific to this project. However, I have not been able to isolate the problem.

This line of code: var tenantConfiguration = await _tenantStore.FindAsync(tenantId);

From the MigrateAndSeedForTenantAsync method in the *TenantDatabaseMigrationHandler is blocking the insert statement for the new tenant record. Once this line of code fails with a timeout, the tenant record gets created. But there is no data seeded for the new tenant.

The tenant record creation should have been completed before MigrateAndSeedForTenantAsync is called. However, that is not the case in this project.

I can email you a link to a zip file of the project.

Showing 11 to 20 of 79 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13