Activities of "viswajwalith"


Somwhow we are able to get that issue fixed by changing the way of configuring the elsa. Thanks for the support.

    private void ConfigureElsa(ServiceConfigurationContext context, IConfiguration configuration)
                elsa =>
                    .AddMongoDbStores(configuration, databaseName: "AppV3_Elsa", connectionStringName: "ElsaServiceMongoDb");


            .AddEmailActivities(options => options.Bind(configuration.GetSection("Elsa:Smtp")))
            .AddHttpActivities(options => options.Bind(configuration.GetSection("Elsa:Server")))
            .AddTimerActivities(options => options.Bind(configuration.GetSection("Elsa:Timers")));
        context.Services.AddElsaDashboard(options => options.Configure(x => x.ActivityDefinitions


        //Disable antiforgery validation for elsa
        Configure<AbpAntiForgeryOptions>(options =>
            options.AutoValidateFilter = type =>
                type.Assembly != typeof(Elsa.Dashboard.Areas.Elsa.Controllers.HomeController).Assembly;
            options.AutoValidateFilter = type =>
                type.Assembly != typeof(Elsa.WorkflowDesigner.ViewComponents.WorkflowDesignerViewComponent).Assembly;
            options.AutoValidateFilter = type =>
                type.Assembly != typeof(Elsa.Dashboard.Areas.Elsa.Controllers.WorkflowDefinitionController).Assembly;
            options.AutoValidateFilter = type =>
                type.Assembly != typeof(Elsa.Dashboard.Areas.Elsa.Controllers.WorkflowInstanceController).Assembly;


@yekalkan thanks


We'll consider to SweetAlert2

Yes really confusing which leads to loss of one support ticket, can we get it back?


Now it is a normal input element, I don't know why you need to destroy and create it again.

Use abp-data-datepicker="false" will ignore abp.dom.initializers.initializeDatepickers method.

thanks mailing, what ever you said sounds correct but not sure why it is not considering the respective attribute to false, do u think any file need to be Included?


You can add abp-data-datepicker="false" to abp-input to prevent the framework from changing it.

Then you can full use jquery to control it.

<abp-input asp-for="Observation.ObservationDate" value="@DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")" type="date" abp-data-datepicker="false" />

@maliming: It didn't worked even if we add the abp-data-datepicker="false" to abp-input, not sure how it worked for you.

we managed this by destroying the datepicker object and recreating the same.

$('#Observation_ObservationDate').datepicker("destroy"); $('#Observation_ObservationDate').datepicker({ format: 'mm-dd-yyyy', endDate: '+0d', autoclose: true, todayHighlight: true, todayBtn: true, });

Hi, @viswajwalith

Yes we can have a remote metting.

@liangshiwei I already sent a meeting invite and I think that time not suits you. Please send the meeting invite based on ur availability.

I am not able to make screenshare sessions. Please try the solutions above and share the results via this platform.

We are still facing the issue of accessing the API's using Swagger client of InternalGateway and WebGateway. I have qigen all required permissions. Still getting the error "Auth ErrorTypeError: Failed to fetch"

I hope someone from support team to help us in access the API's from Swagger client of gateway Applications.

@liangshiwei let me know if u want to have a screen share

I am not able to make screenshare sessions. Please try the solutions above and share the results via this platform.

We are still facing the issue of accessing the API's using Swagger client of InternalGateway and WebGateway. I have qigen all required permissions. Still getting the error "Auth ErrorTypeError: Failed to fetch"

I hope someone from support team to help us in access the API's from Swagger client of gateway Applications.

do you see it in Swagger UI? here's a sample controller

    [RemoteService(Name = "AbpIdentity")] 
    public class IdentityUserController : AbpController, IIdentityUserAppService 
        public virtual Task<IdentityUserDto> GetAsync(Guid id) 
            return UserAppService.GetAsync(id); 

Thanks, actually we made big mistake, missed to add "Public" to our controller.

You can overiide some base class methods of AbpInputTagHelperService in your MyInputTagHelperService .

It Worked perfectly. Now we are able to over ride the input helper. Thanks for the info @maliming.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 08:30