Activities of "viswajwalith"

ABP Framework version: v5.1.3 UI Type: MVC Database System: SQL Server / MongoDB Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes Exception message and full stack trace: Steps to reproduce the issue: We are using the Active Directory for Login Process and request is getting blocked after after successuly login and redirecting to our web client

We are faciing issue with the User Cookie Headers with one of the Clients Firewall, The request header info is as follows:

GET /Account/Login/?__tenant=xxx HTTP/1.1 Accept: / Host: Cookie: .AspNetCore.Antiforgery.c9JTe_bLGaM=CfDJ8FRhYrLUrBdPg2ipof6Ze16RfGI0ZJKke6iRRofx3cFbq_tGn3HTTRD_7JKLtMzMedYMb1l8OhPx3xX6z9j1-aSSaXj1SRk2ORAcb6KOtTPmaOjcZ6RopamvmEiecEu3ljT5TFHayk2MxFUVMCgqLDo; path=/; samesite=strict; httponly; XSRF-TOKEN=CfDJ8FRhYrLUrBdPg2ipof6Ze17tsIyUCs-tAYzfoekhfgr13OA5w4tyzwXj-Hl_E6Gwkpdtn4nXDZGTpm3EBEX64NjeDhuI5CF2ZCvUOB73MJj-CKIHYapt9k5BrFRIkhnmxvZx5UOy_ez2dO_9fGa_Cks; expires=Mon, 15 May 2034 23:36:10 GMT; path=/; secure; samesite=none; .AspNetCore.Mvc.CookieTempDataProvider=CfDJ8FRhYrLUrBdPg2ipof6Ze14-m4tMwAkRe0rwhNpl2P9u1CF-toHYP6HqsIRlyoOHBm8ptS-5uL5JuLZ5s_syooXW6nUzC0z1f-H_coYQTo3p4TIjHjpX6cSy58Pfl8LcZPBHqTw81Ez_jZsLan3eH9ncIklIKi3xuyIUZq89Cztb; path=/; samesite=lax; httponly; ARRAffinity=77f12f85c9afc4c4219e1ebcbabf3c363c124c1272c6f1766e41bee0c3ed9b13;Path=/;HttpOnly;Secure;; ARRAffinitySameSite=77f12f85c9afc4c4219e1ebcbabf3c363c124c1272c6f1766e41bee0c3ed9b13;Path=/;HttpOnly;SameSite=None;Secure;; DCT_SP_Cookie=!rJI1vQtcC6kQKiPgElklsn4lwoYxwAGdSfWPx/X43eEKGa3yOoLohwL48lwE7DmrTLv7W9uI7LC+bw==; path=/; Httponly; Secure; TS017caf0c=01dbd0522d0c40bd5dc6161d190c1229ca2cbc4113dbe13debd550f3bdabfcd49e51511c46a1c9492a9191fad0231d4f2609b2c9c05e4918267ed51bebfbd86bcbac3dd37dd5b6042d42ae7ef5f2cec887bdcb2905df6962249646cbb6079835441f65fdc686e12d6161abceb2c2bbd925a46d613e; Path=/; TS01fabc35=01dbd0522de0e527b70608f9798164443d8d592257dbe13debd550f3bdabfcd49e51511c46d62d98a6a8cdcd821467c3f3643848eaa95095303bb71f0943f66f4e46eea66659b83ba841df4eba10d273eddb730a1f; path=/; Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br From: bingbot(at) User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; bingbot/2.0; + Chrome/116.0.1938.76 Safari/537.36 X-Forwarded-For: has context menu

The request is getting blocked may be because of samesite policy or some special characters. Do you guys have any idea on this? In mean time we are trying to different ways but your insights might be helpful.

We are facing this ABP 5 version not sure it will be there in latest versions or not but for now we cant upgrade.

ABP Framework version: v7.3.2


Database System: EF Core (SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc..) / MongoDB

Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes

We are implementing Event Bus using RabbitMqDistributedEventBus in our application.

Local Event is working good for every request. but Distributed Event is not firing for every request. It is firing only 1 time for every 10-12 requests.

  • ABP Framework version: v7.3.2
  • UI Type:MVC
  • Database System: EF Core (SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc..) / MongoDB
  • Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes
  • Exception message and full stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:

We used the below statement to filter data for ExtraProperties, not working for mongoDb

(await GetQueryableAsync()).Where(u => EF.Property<string>(u, "SocialSecurityNumber") == "123")

Is there any other way to filter Extraproperties in MongoDB, Please advise.

  • ABP Framework version: v7.3.2
  • UI Type: MVC
  • Database System: EF Core (SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc..) / MongoDB
  • Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes
  • Exception message and full stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:

We would like to implement the Audit Trial for MonGo DB services, as it is not there Out of the box(if we are not wrong we are planning to implement with custom code). we tried to find the menthods/repository to have the CURD operations on "AbpEntityChanges" & "AbpEntityPropertyChanges", but not able to find the same. can you please advise.

  • ABP Framework version: v7.3.2
  • UI Type: MVC
  • Database System: EF Core (SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc..) / MongoDB
  • Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes
  • Exception message and full stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue: We are trying to implement impersonation in ABP 7.3.2 but in the documentaton ( not able to see the steps specific to relevent version, still we went ahded and tried the steps povided but getting the below error even if we keep the maxLimit to <requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="4294967295" />

the log is as follows

2024-01-17 17:38:46.244 +05:30 [INF] IDX10242: Security token: '[PII of type 'System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt.JwtSecurityToken' is hidden. For more details, see]' has a valid signature.
2024-01-17 17:38:46.244 +05:30 [INF] IDX10239: Lifetime of the token is valid.
2024-01-17 17:38:46.244 +05:30 [ERR] IDX10214: Audience validation failed. Audiences: 'IdentityService, AdministrationService, SaasService, EmployeeService, IncidentService, AttachmentService, ObservationsService, ActionService, UserTaskService, HSEPlansService, NCRService, CustomerService, InspectionService, Forms, FileManagement, AuthServer, RMService, TMService, PTWService'. Did not match: validationParameters.ValidAudience: 'AccountService' or validationParameters.ValidAudiences: 'null'.
2024-01-17 17:38:46.245 +05:30 [INF] Failed to validate the token.
Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.SecurityTokenInvalidAudienceException: IDX10214: Audience validation failed. Audiences: 'IdentityService, AdministrationService, SaasService, EmployeeService, IncidentService, AttachmentService, ObservationsService, ActionService, UserTaskService, HSEPlansService, NCRService, CustomerService, InspectionService, Forms, FileManagement, AuthServer, RMService, TMService, PTWService'. Did not match: validationParameters.ValidAudience: 'AccountService' or validationParameters.ValidAudiences: 'null'.
   at Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.Validators.ValidateAudience(IEnumerable`1 audiences, SecurityToken securityToken, TokenValidationParameters validationParameters)
   at System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt.JwtSecurityTokenHandler.ValidateAudience(IEnumerable`1 audiences, JwtSecurityToken jwtToken, TokenValidationParameters validationParameters)
   at System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt.JwtSecurityTokenHandler.ValidateTokenPayload(JwtSecurityToken jwtToken, TokenValidationParameters validationParameters, BaseConfiguration configuration)
   at System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt.JwtSecurityTokenHandler.ValidateJWS(String token, TokenValidationParameters validationParameters, BaseConfiguration currentConfiguration, SecurityToken& signatureValidatedToken, ExceptionDispatchInfo& exceptionThrown)
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
   at System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt.JwtSecurityTokenHandler.ValidateToken(String token, JwtSecurityToken outerToken, TokenValidationParameters validationParameters, SecurityToken& signatureValidatedToken)
   at System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt.JwtSecurityTokenHandler.ValidateToken(String token, TokenValidationParameters validationParameters, SecurityToken& validatedToken)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer.JwtBearerHandler.HandleAuthenticateAsync()
has context menu

Please advise.

ABP Framework version: v7.1.3 UI Type: MVC Database System: SQL Server / MongoDB Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes Exception message and full stack trace: Steps to reproduce the issue:

We would like to replace some files from Leptonx.bundle.min.js, we tried by but with this entire bundle is getting replaced as the context is getting the files which are going to be loaded (bundled files). is there any to remove files from the Leptonx.bundle.min.js?


ABP Framework version: v7.1.3 UI Type: MVC Database System: SQL Server / MongoDB Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes Exception message and full stack trace: Steps to reproduce the issue:

We would like to override the abp-select control using AbpSelectTagHelper.cs but somehow it is not overriding as expected. Any suggition.

The file we are trying is

namespace Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.UI.Bootstrap.TagHelpers.Form
    [Dependency(ReplaceServices = true)]
    public class MySelectTagHelperService : AbpTagHelperService<AbpSelectTagHelper>
        private readonly IHtmlGenerator _generator;
        private readonly HtmlEncoder _encoder;
        private readonly IAbpTagHelperLocalizer _tagHelperLocalizer;
        private readonly IStringLocalizerFactory _stringLocalizerFactory;

        public MySelectTagHelperService(
            IHtmlGenerator generator,
            HtmlEncoder encoder,
            IAbpTagHelperLocalizer tagHelperLocalizer,
            IStringLocalizerFactory stringLocalizerFactory)
            _generator = generator;
            _encoder = encoder;
            _tagHelperLocalizer = tagHelperLocalizer;
            _stringLocalizerFactory = stringLocalizerFactory;

        public override async Task ProcessAsync(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output)
            var innerHtml = await GetFormInputGroupAsHtmlAsync(context, output);

            var order = TagHelper.AspFor.ModelExplorer.GetDisplayOrder();

            AddGroupToFormGroupContents(context, TagHelper.AspFor.Name, SurroundInnerHtmlAndGet(context, output, innerHtml), order, out var suppress);

            if (suppress)
                output.TagName = "div";
                LeaveOnlyGroupAttributes(context, output);
                output.TagMode = TagMode.StartTagAndEndTag;

        protected virtual async Task<string> GetFormInputGroupAsHtmlAsync(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output)
            var selectTag = await GetSelectTagAsync(context, output);
            var selectAsHtml = selectTag.Render(_encoder);
            var label = await GetLabelAsHtmlAsync(context, output, selectTag);
            var validation = await GetValidationAsHtmlAsync(context, output, selectTag);
            var infoText = GetInfoAsHtml(context, output, selectTag);

            return label + Environment.NewLine + selectAsHtml + Environment.NewLine + infoText + Environment.NewLine + validation;

        protected virtual string SurroundInnerHtmlAndGet(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output, string innerHtml)
            return "<div class=\"form-group\">" + Environment.NewLine + innerHtml + Environment.NewLine + "</div>";

        protected virtual async Task<TagHelperOutput> GetSelectTagAsync(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output)
            var selectTagHelper = new SelectTagHelper(_generator)
                For = TagHelper.AspFor,
                ViewContext = TagHelper.ViewContext

            if (TagHelper.AutocompleteApiUrl.IsNullOrEmpty())
                selectTagHelper.Items = GetSelectItems(context, output);
            else if (!TagHelper.AutocompleteSelectedItemName.IsNullOrEmpty())
                selectTagHelper.Items = new[]
                    new SelectListItem(TagHelper.AutocompleteSelectedItemName,
                        TagHelper.AutocompleteSelectedItemValue, false)

            var selectTagHelperOutput = await selectTagHelper.ProcessAndGetOutputAsync(GetInputAttributes(context, output), context, "select", TagMode.StartTagAndEndTag);

            selectTagHelperOutput.Attributes.AddClass(GetSize(context, output));

            return selectTagHelperOutput;

        protected virtual void AddAutocompleteAttributes(TagHelperOutput output)
            if (!TagHelper.AutocompleteApiUrl.IsNullOrEmpty())
                output.Attributes.Add("data-autocomplete-api-url", TagHelper.AutocompleteApiUrl);
                output.Attributes.Add("data-autocomplete-items-property", TagHelper.AutocompleteItemsPropertyName);
                output.Attributes.Add("data-autocomplete-display-property", TagHelper.AutocompleteDisplayPropertyName);
                output.Attributes.Add("data-autocomplete-value-property", TagHelper.AutocompleteValuePropertyName);
                output.Attributes.Add("data-autocomplete-filter-param-name", TagHelper.AutocompleteFilterParamName);
                output.Attributes.Add("data-autocomplete-selected-item-name", TagHelper.AutocompleteSelectedItemName);
                output.Attributes.Add("data-autocomplete-selected-item-value", TagHelper.AutocompleteSelectedItemValue);

        protected virtual void AddDisabledAttribute(TagHelperOutput inputTagHelperOutput)
            var disabledAttribute = TagHelper.AspFor.ModelExplorer.GetAttribute<DisabledInput>();

            if (disabledAttribute != null && !inputTagHelperOutput.Attributes.ContainsName("disabled"))
                inputTagHelperOutput.Attributes.Add("disabled", "");

        protected virtual List<SelectListItem> GetSelectItems(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output)
            if (TagHelper.AspItems != null)
                return TagHelper.AspItems.ToList();

            if (IsEnum())
                return GetSelectItemsFromEnum(context, output, TagHelper.AspFor.ModelExplorer);

            var selectItemsAttribute = TagHelper.AspFor.ModelExplorer.GetAttribute<SelectItems>();
            if (selectItemsAttribute != null)
                return GetSelectItemsFromAttribute(selectItemsAttribute, TagHelper.AspFor.ModelExplorer);

            throw new Exception("No items provided for select attribute.");

        private bool IsEnum()
            var value = TagHelper.AspFor.Model;
            if (value != null && value.GetType().IsEnum)
                return true;

            return TagHelper.AspFor.ModelExplorer.Metadata.IsEnum;

        protected virtual async Task<string> GetLabelAsHtmlAsync(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output, TagHelperOutput selectTag)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TagHelper.Label))
                var label = new TagBuilder("label");
                label.Attributes.Add("for", GetIdAttributeValue(selectTag));

                return label.ToHtmlString() + GetRequiredSymbol(context, output);

            return await GetLabelAsHtmlUsingTagHelperAsync(context, output) + GetRequiredSymbol(context, output);

        protected virtual string GetRequiredSymbol(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output)
            if (!TagHelper.DisplayRequiredSymbol)
                return "";

            return TagHelper.AspFor.ModelExplorer.GetAttribute<RequiredAttribute>() != null ? "<span> * </span>" : "";

        protected virtual void AddInfoTextId(TagHelperOutput inputTagHelperOutput)
            if (TagHelper.AspFor.ModelExplorer.GetAttribute<InputInfoText>() == null)

            var idAttr = inputTagHelperOutput.Attributes.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name == "id");

            if (idAttr == null)

            var infoText = _tagHelperLocalizer.GetLocalizedText(idAttr.Value + "InfoText", TagHelper.AspFor.ModelExplorer);

            inputTagHelperOutput.Attributes.Add("aria-describedby", infoText);

        protected virtual string GetInfoAsHtml(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output, TagHelperOutput inputTag)
            var text = "";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TagHelper.InfoText))
                text = TagHelper.InfoText;
                var infoAttribute = TagHelper.AspFor.ModelExplorer.GetAttribute<InputInfoText>();
                if (infoAttribute != null)
                    text = infoAttribute.Text;
                    return "";

            var idAttr = inputTag.Attributes.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name == "id");
            var localizedText = _tagHelperLocalizer.GetLocalizedText(text, TagHelper.AspFor.ModelExplorer);

            var small = new TagBuilder("small");
            small.Attributes.Add("id", idAttr?.Value?.ToString() + "InfoText");
            small.AddCssClass("form-text text-muted");

            return small.ToHtmlString();

        protected virtual List<SelectListItem> GetSelectItemsFromEnum(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output, ModelExplorer explorer)
            var selectItems = new List<SelectListItem>();
            var isNullableType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(explorer.ModelType) != null;
            var enumType = explorer.ModelType;

            if (isNullableType)
                enumType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(explorer.ModelType);
                selectItems.Add(new SelectListItem());

            var containerLocalizer = _tagHelperLocalizer.GetLocalizerOrNull(explorer.Container.ModelType.Assembly);

            foreach (var enumValue in enumType.GetEnumValues())
                var memberName = enumType.GetEnumName(enumValue);
                var localizedMemberName = AbpInternalLocalizationHelper.LocalizeWithFallback(

                selectItems.Add(new SelectListItem
                    Value = enumValue.ToString(),
                    Text = localizedMemberName

            return selectItems;

        protected virtual List<SelectListItem> GetSelectItemsFromAttribute(
            SelectItems selectItemsAttribute,
            ModelExplorer explorer)
            var selectItems = selectItemsAttribute.GetItems(explorer)?.ToList();

            if (selectItems == null)
                return new List<SelectListItem>();

            return selectItems;

        protected virtual async Task<string> GetLabelAsHtmlUsingTagHelperAsync(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output)
            var labelTagHelper = new LabelTagHelper(_generator)
                For = TagHelper.AspFor,
                ViewContext = TagHelper.ViewContext

            return await labelTagHelper.RenderAsync(new TagHelperAttributeList(), context, _encoder, "label", TagMode.StartTagAndEndTag);

        protected virtual async Task<string> GetValidationAsHtmlAsync(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output, TagHelperOutput inputTag)
            var validationMessageTagHelper = new ValidationMessageTagHelper(_generator)
                For = TagHelper.AspFor,
                ViewContext = TagHelper.ViewContext

            var attributeList = new TagHelperAttributeList { { "class", "text-danger" } };

            return await validationMessageTagHelper.RenderAsync(attributeList, context, _encoder, "span", TagMode.StartTagAndEndTag);

        protected virtual string GetSize(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output)
            var attribute = TagHelper.AspFor.ModelExplorer.GetAttribute<FormControlSize>();

            if (attribute != null)
                TagHelper.Size = attribute.Size;

            switch (TagHelper.Size)
                case AbpFormControlSize.Small:
                    return "custom-select-sm";
                case AbpFormControlSize.Medium:
                    return "custom-select-md";
                case AbpFormControlSize.Large:
                    return "custom-select-lg";

            return "";

        protected virtual TagHelperAttributeList GetInputAttributes(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output)
            var groupPrefix = "group-";

            var tagHelperAttributes = output.Attributes.Where(a => !a.Name.StartsWith(groupPrefix)).ToList();
            var attrList = new TagHelperAttributeList();

            foreach (var tagHelperAttribute in tagHelperAttributes)


            return attrList;

        protected virtual void LeaveOnlyGroupAttributes(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output)
            var groupPrefix = "group-";
            var tagHelperAttributes = output.Attributes.Where(a => a.Name.StartsWith(groupPrefix)).ToList();


            foreach (var tagHelperAttribute in tagHelperAttributes)
                var nameWithoutPrefix = tagHelperAttribute.Name.Substring(groupPrefix.Length);
                var newAttritube = new TagHelperAttribute(nameWithoutPrefix, tagHelperAttribute.Value);

        protected virtual string GetIdAttributeValue(TagHelperOutput inputTag)
            var idAttr = inputTag.Attributes.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name == "id");

            return idAttr != null ? idAttr.Value.ToString() : string.Empty;

        protected virtual string GetIdAttributeAsString(TagHelperOutput inputTag)
            var id = GetIdAttributeValue(inputTag);

            return !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id) ? "for=\"" + id + "\"" : string.Empty;

        protected virtual void AddGroupToFormGroupContents(TagHelperContext context, string propertyName, string html, int order, out bool suppress)
            var list = context.GetValue<List<FormGroupItem>>(FormGroupContents) ?? new List<FormGroupItem>();
            suppress = list == null;

            if (list != null && !list.Any(igc => igc.HtmlContent.Contains("id=\"" + propertyName.Replace('.', '_') + "\"")))
                list.Add(new FormGroupItem
                    HtmlContent = html,
                    Order = order,
                    PropertyName = propertyName


ABP Framework version: v7.1.3 UI Type: MVC Database System: SQL Server / MongoDB Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes Exception message and full stack trace: Steps to reproduce the issue:

We are in the process of upgrading to ABP 7.1.3, after upgrading to LeptonX we observed that some of the featurs avaiable in LeponX demo site is not there as part of ABP 7,

for example

  1. Grid like :

  2. Add favourite

  3. Theme colors customization

We understand demo site is having some cusomizations, but do we have full source code for Demo site of LeptonX so that we can follow the same to implement above kind of featurs.


ABP Framework version: v5.1.3 UI Type: MVC Database System: SQL Server / MongoDB Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes Exception message and full stack trace: Steps to reproduce the issue:

We have using the Emailing functionality in our application and sending the URL link as part of the email, for most of the services the user is getting redirected after successful login but for emails from Abp forms and from specific service module it is just going to home page not redirecting to desired page. Any idea?

For an example We have two services Service A and Service B,

URL for Servica A is perfectly working

where as URL for Service B is not working

Do we need to do any configurations for the same? Please advise.

ABP Framework version: v5.1.3 UI Type: MVC Database System: SQL Server / MongoDB Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes Exception message and full stack trace: Steps to reproduce the issue:

We are defining the Custom Email Templates but at some times (after deployment but not 100% sure on this) we have observed that custom templates are getting deleted without any action from the user. Not all the times it is getting replicated.

We checked the application log but no trace of any API calles to set to default "/api/text-template-management/template-contents/restore-to-default"

Any idea on possible root cause? Is there anything related to Migrator or Template Files stored under "EmailTemplates" administartion service host?

Showing 1 to 10 of 73 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13