Activities of "wingers"

Update of original post - and where we are now:

Problem 1: resolved with 0.9.2 ✅

Problem 2: not been specifically mentioned in responses, but appears to be resolved with 0.9.2 as well ✅

Problem 3: still need a better solution / answer for this specifically for personal license customers, either a separate download which only contains licensed modules, or a script that can be run to remove the unlicensed modules from project. Still not convinced this will resolve the nuget error message I showed in screenshot though ❌

Problem 4: confirmed here that will be fixed in next release ✅

Question 1: not answered ❌

Question 2: answered but not really a satisfactory response ❌

Question 3: resolved - thanks ✅

Question 4: resolved - thanks ✅

Follow up related points:

Follow up 1:

As a personal license holder I assumed (maybe wrongly) that I should only be able to create **Application (Single Layer) **projects, but in ABP Studio Application (Layered) is NOT greyed out and I can create and build them fine. So can I use both solution types? If so that is great news. 😀

Follow up 2:

Can you tell me when the below will be implemented, I would have asked on that post but it has been locked.

Follow up 3:

Can you tell me when command below to download source of LeptonX will be fixed?

abp get-source Volo.Abp.LeptonXTheme

As currently get error as below:

C:\Users\User\Downloads\test3>abp get-source Volo.Abp.LeptonXTheme [13:07:41 INF] You are running the second generation of the ABP CLI. If you're interested in the legacy CLI, see [13:07:41 INF] Downloading source code of Volo.Abp.LeptonXTheme (Latest) [13:07:41 INF] Output folder: C:\Users\User\Downloads\test3 [13:07:42 ERR] Downloading source code failed for: Volo.Abp.LeptonXTheme Volo.Abp.Studio.AbpStudioException: Exception of type 'Volo.Abp.Studio.AbpStudioException' was thrown. at async Task Volo.Abp.Studio.Modules.Installing.SourceCodeDownloader.DownloadSourceCodeAsync(string moduleName, string targetFolder, string version, bool includeNightly) at async Task Volo.Abp.Studio.Cli.Commands.StudioGetSourceCommand.ExecuteAsync(CommandLineArgs commandLineArgs) at async Task Volo.Abp.Studio.Cli.StudioCliService.RunInternalAsync(CommandLineArgs commandLineArgs) at async Task Volo.Abp.Studio.Cli.StudioCliService.RunAsync(string[] args)

background image - change

You have two ways to change it.

Perfect - thank you

I will fix Problem 4 - code is incorrectly duplicated in the next version; it is not a big problem and will not affect your app.


Change logo size style in \wwwroot\global-styles.css

Excellent, thank you

Problem 1 - creating a brand new project in ABP Studio

The new Studio will fix the migration problem of App-nolayers.

I can confirm that version 0.9.2 fixes Problem 1, BUT it doesn't fix Problem 4

This is the reason for Can't build LeptonX Theme source project

Your license can't download the CMS - Kit Pro, File Management etc. Please remove them from the source code of the LetponX theme.

At least please provide a script or similar to remove all the components I don't get from leptonx theme project rather than me having to manually select one at a time to remove via Nuget Package manager, as this will take an age, as there are 11 to remove just for

This is the reason for Can't build LeptonX Theme source project

Your license can't download the CMS - Kit Pro, File Management etc. Please remove them from the source code of the LetponX theme.

Referring to Problem 3 - the issue I have is I get the error message as per screenshot posted initially,

and then get multiple download errors about missing components, even ones I AM ENTITLED to use. So packages not even shown as installed correctly in NuGet to remove them, they appear as version 0.0.0

So I have to manually go through the project removing dozens of packages I am not entitled to use. Why can't you just provide a theme download for personal license holders? I know it is my choice to have a personal license not a team license, a) due to cost and b) due to fact I am only one developer not three so don't need team. But it seems a lot of your product just doesn't work correctly or cater for the personal license I paid for meaning I can't use or do anything without a lot of work each time "manually" removing parts of it (this also covers problem 2 above that no response has been made for). It is like you are happy to sell a personal license and take the money for it, but don't want to supply working downloads or project types for that license type. That is not good enough after spending $999

Problem 1 - creating a brand new project in ABP Studio

The new Studio will fix the migration problem of App-nolayers.

Will that fix it for CLI as well as same problem with both Studio and CLI? And when will new studio be released?


Question 2 - why does the basic theme look so poor on home page?

Basic theme is open source and free, Lepton/LeptonX theme is more suitable for you.

I know which themes are open source / free and which are paid thank you. That wasn't my question. I chose basic theme as easiest one to customize and add my branding too. So question was why on a product costing a lot of money does the basic homepage look so badly aligned, surely you can create one which looks better as a starting point.

Question 3 - how can I increase the size of the logo on the login screen? Question 4 - how can I change the background image used on the login screen?

Can you share some screenshots of the login screen you want to customize?

the standard login screen


Modules available for ABP Personal License include: Account Audit Logging UI GDPR Identity Language Management LeptonX PRO OpenIddict UI SaaS

However, advanced features such as Chat, CMS - Kit Pro, File Management, Forms, Payment, Text Template Management, Twilio SMS, etc. are not supported.

How is that answer relevant to any of my questions? I know what components are included, this was covered multiple times via email before I made my purchase? So perhaps tell me which of my points you are trying to answer here???

Showing 1 to 10 of 45 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.1.0-preview. Updated on October 22, 2024, 09:35