ABP Framework version: v6.0.0
UI type: Angular
DB provider: EF Core
Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): Identity Server Separated (Angular)
Exception message and stack trace:
Steps to reproduce the issue:"
If I want to add a validation step after user registration and before his/her first log-in to my system can you advise me on how to do that?
1 Answer(s)
First, based on the kind of authentication flow, the solution changes. The Abp, for instance, makes use of Openiddict or identity-server. Your account, log-in, registration, etc. are all angular components if you use Resource Owner Password Flow. These components can be swapped out with our custom ones. Otherwise, you can't alter your components with Angular as they are server-side components.
See the docs for Resource Owner Password Flow https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/UI/Angular/Account-Module#resource-owner-password-flow
1- If you are using external login or don't want to change the register form
Create a guard.
Add the guard on
-The guard checks the logic and redirects the validation page.
2- If you want to change the register component.
When you are usingResource owner flow,
you can change the registration form via the replaceable component system. The key iseAccountComponents.Register
see the https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/UI/Angular/Component-Replacement -