ABP Framework version: v6.02
UI type: MVC
DB provider: EF Core
Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yes
Exception message and stack trace:
Steps to reproduce the issue: Create two entities in CRUD Page Generator using defaults. Create n:n navigation collection between both entities. Create record with n:n relationship. When Action -> Edit selected for record, UI never displays edit modal. Browser developer tool doesn't show any network request either.
5 Answer(s)
hi @jgrovert,
We'll try to reproduce it and get back to you
Do you mean; when editing an existing n-n property, you don't see the saved items?
When using the generated website, if I try to click edit on an existing record (with a n:n relationship built in the CRUD generator), the modal box to edit the record doesn't display.
We will check and get back to you
I cannot produce the error, if you are using a different procedure, please inform me.