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Activities of "Abhinandan"

hi @Abhinandan

The index.html exists in wwwroot folder, right? Can you confirm?

Yes. Index.html(of angular) is available in wwwroot..

Ravisha is not able to answer to your reply from his account as always he is getting error popup saying "you are not authorized"

Can you try to re-login?

I wil ask Ravisha to re-login and try again.

Hi Mailming,

Ravisha is not able to answer to your reply from his account as always he is getting error popup saying "you are not authorized"


angular route didn't load after that

Can you share the browser's console & app logs?

Browser's console log attached in the attachment.

Here is the error log:

Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ActionResult Index() on controller PearlDocs.Controllers.HomeController (abptest.HttpApi.Host). 2021-06-15 06:21:17.963 +00:00 [INF] Executing RedirectResult, redirecting to /index.html. 2021-06-15 06:21:17.963 +00:00 [INF] Executed action abptest.Controllers.HomeController.Index (abptest.HttpApi.Host) in 0.8016ms 2021-06-15 06:21:17.963 +00:00 [INF] Executed endpoint 'abptest.Controllers.HomeController.Index (abptest.HttpApi.Host)' 2021-06-15 06:21:17.963 +00:00 [INF] Request finished HTTP/1.1 GET http://abptest-dev.azurewebsites.net/?httpStatusCode=404 - 0 - 302 0 - 53.0249ms 2021-06-15 06:21:18.024 +00:00 [INF] Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET http://abptest-dev.azurewebsites.net/index.html - - 2021-06-15 06:21:18.078 +00:00 [INF] Request finished HTTP/1.1 GET http://abptest-dev.azurewebsites.net/index.html - - - 302 0 - 53.7046ms 2021-06-15 06:21:18.146 +00:00 [INF] Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET http://abptest-dev.azurewebsites.net/?httpStatusCode=404 - 0 2021-06-15 06:21:18.198 +00:00 [INF] Executing endpoint 'abptest.Controllers.HomeController.Index (abptest.HttpApi.Host)' 2021-06-15 06:21:18.198 +00:00 [INF] Route matched with {action = "Index", controller = "Home", area = "", page = ""}. Executing controller action with signature Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ActionResult Index() on controller abptest.Controllers.HomeController (abptest.HttpApi.Host). 2021-06-15 06:21:18.199 +00:00 [INF] Executing RedirectResult, redirecting to /index.html. 2021-06-15 06:21:18.199 +00:00 [INF] Executed action abptest.Controllers.HomeController.Index (abptest.HttpApi.Host) in 0.7548ms 2021-06-15 06:21:18.199 +00:00 [INF] Executed endpoint 'abptest.Controllers.HomeController.Index (abptest.HttpApi.Host)' 2021-06-15 06:21:18.199 +00:00 [INF] Request finished HTTP/1.1 GET http://abptest-dev.azurewebsites.net/?httpStatusCode=404 - 0 - 302 0 - 53.4134ms 2021-06-15 06:21:18.268 +00:00 [INF] Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET http://abptest-dev.azurewebsites.net/index.html - - 2021-06-15 06:21:18.316 +00:00 [INF] Request finished HTTP/1.1 GET http://abptest-dev.azurewebsites.net/index.html - - - 302 0 - 48.1551ms 2021-06-15 06:21:18.385 +00:00 [INF] Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET http://abptest-dev.azurewebsites.net/?httpStatusCode=404 - 0 2021-06-15 06:21:18.437 +00:00 [INF] Executing endpoint 'abptest.Controllers.HomeController.Index (abptest.HttpApi.Host)' 2021-06-15 06:21:18.437 +00:00 [INF] Route matched with {action = "Index", controller = "Home", area = "", page = ""}. Executing controller action with signature Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ActionResult Index() on controller abptest.Controllers.HomeController (abptest.HttpApi.Host). 2021-06-15 06:21:18.438 +00:00 [INF] Executing RedirectResult, redirecting to /index.html. 2021-06-15 06:21:18.438 +00:00 [INF] Executed action abptest.Controllers.HomeController.Index (abptest.HttpApi.Host) in 0.808ms 2021-06-15 06:21:18.438 +00:00 [INF] Executed endpoint 'abptest.Controllers.HomeController.Index (abptest.HttpApi.Host)' 2021-06-15 06:21:18.438 +00:00 [INF] Request finished HTTP/1.1 GET http://abptest-dev.azurewebsites.net/?httpStatusCode=404 - 0 - 302 0 - 53.4104ms 2021-06-15 06:21:18.507 +00:00 [INF] Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET http://abptest-dev.azurewebsites.net/index.html - - 2021-06-15 06:21:18.559 +00:00 [INF] Request finished HTTP/1.1 GET http://abptest-dev.azurewebsites.net/index.html - - - 302 0 - 52.5579ms 2021-06-15 06:21:18.633 +00:00 [INF] Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET http://abptest-dev.azurewebsites.net/?httpStatusCode=404 - 0 2021-06-15 06:21:18.684 +00:00 [INF] Executing endpoint 'abptest.Controllers.HomeController.Index (abptest.HttpApi.Host)' 2021-06-15 06:21:18.685 +00:00 [INF] Route matched with {action = "Index", controller = "Home", area = "", page = ""}. Executing controller action with signature Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ActionResult Index() on controller abptest.Controllers.HomeController (abptest.HttpApi.Host). 2021-06-15 06:21:18.685 +00:00 [INF] Executing RedirectResult, redirecting to /index.html. 2021-06-15 06:21:18.685 +00:00 [INF] Executed action abptest.Controllers.HomeController.Index (abptest.HttpApi.Host) in 0.7635ms 2021-06-15 06:21:18.685 +00:00 [INF] Executed endpoint 'abptest.Controllers.HomeController.Index (abptest.HttpApi.Host)' 2021-06-15 06:21:18.685 +00:00 [INF] Request finished HTTP/1.1 GET http://abptest-dev.azurewebsites.net/?httpStatusCode=404 - 0 - 302 0 - 52.4167ms


return Redirect("/index.html"); Does the first load work now? Does the routing work after refreshing the page?

Hi Maliming,

This is Abhi from same team and we are working on the same issue. In fact we have tried adding the <rewrite> rule and angular route didn't load after that only we have decided to ask question here.


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