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Activities of "Anjali_Musmade"



Can you please check this document Create a Second DbContext to create a second migration if it will helps you.

Thank you.

Hello ,

Can you please try this solution once again

To fix this issue, the ABP Pro license key must be securely stored and passed to the pipeline environment.

  • Store ABP_LICENSE_CODE in Azure DevOps Variable Groups.
  • Modify azure-pipelines.yml to pass the license key as an environment variable.
  • Update TestBase to read the license from Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable().
  • Run the pipeline and verify test execution.

This ensures secure ABP Pro license usage in CI/CD while allowing integration tests to run smoothly.

This solution ensures integration tests work in Azure DevOps while keeping the ABP Pro license key secure

Thank you.

Hello ,

I have tried to reproduce this issue on my side, but I cannot reproduce it. Once confirm which Base class you are use Please provide me some more steps to reproduce this issue.

Thank you.

Hello , If you want to hide that name you can write custom css in your angular styles.scss file

    display: none;

Thank you.


Please try the following steps and check if the issue is resolved:

  • In Redis, add abortConnect=false in appsettings.json.
  • There is another error: An error occurred using the connection to database 'sqldb-myapp' on server 'sql-myserver.database.windows.net'. In your connection string, try addingMaxPoolSize=200and check if it resolves the issue.

Thank you.


Can you check this similar issue https://abp.io/support/questions/7742/apiabpapplication-localization-and--apiabpapplication-configuration-error-every-5-minutes-on-APIHost-server

Thank you.

Hello ,

Please share your project support@abp.io email along with ticket no.


Hello ,

Ensure that the new custom domains are added to the Redirect URLs column in OpenIddictApplications table.

  • Make sure you are updating appsettings.json files across all services and redeploy them.
  • Clear the cache and restart the Azure Web Apps.
  • Verify the appsettings.json files in the Kudu console of Azure Web Apps.

Thank you.

please check once this link https://github.com/abpframework/abp/issues/8019#issuecomment-796776155


a composite key using LoginProvider and ProviderKey, which are meant to be the primary keys for IdentityUserLogin:

protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
    modelBuilder.Entity<IdentityUserLogin>(b =>
        b.HasKey(l => new { l.LoginProvider, l.ProviderKey });

Try to this code and check it's work or not ?

Thank you.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on February 07, 2025, 05:40