Activities of "CI"

como disse Liangshiwei. você deve usar abp get-source Volo.Abp.LeptonXTheme.Pro para baixar o código fonte do lepton x. então você deve copiar os arquivos na pasta angular. Adicione o caminho no tsconfig. por exemplo. Copiei a pasta de projetos profissionais para meu projeto angular. Aqui meu caminho


Você não precisa adicionar fonte ABP. Não sugerimos adicionar código-fonte. Se você vincular a fonte ao seu código, não será possível obter atualizações facilmente. se você quiser personalizar algo. você pode usar

  • Sistema substituível:
  • Injeção de dependência angular

(Provavelmente) três deles oferecem bastante personalização.


I understand what you're saying about updates, but I'd be wise to share anyway.

could you email me the source code for the commercial-ui of version 7.4.1?



You can use abp get-source Volo.Abp.LeptonXTheme.Pro command to download the lepton-x source code

If so, I downloaded it, copy the theme-shared folder to the Angular projects folder and in the tsconfig.json file I put this code:

"@abp/ng.theme.shared/extensions": [ "projects/theme-shared/extensions/src/public-api.ts" ], Error: Debug error: from D:/Projects/CI/Base/7.4.1/angular/projects/theme-shared/extensions/src/lib/ui-extensions.module.ts), but not a .d.ts file



What is the template for translations?


I didn't find anything regarding Frontend.Angular. Could you give me an example regarding the example above.


But this is already the case, it is already the ABP standard, but it is not reflected in the frontend.

that is the problem.

Hi, It worked, thank you!


I'm trying to send it to your email but the size doesn't allow it.

So I'm sharing a folder via OneDrive.

I sent it to your email mentioned above.


Parece-me que ele está recebendo o pacote e não o módulo Pro.

Você precisa substituir todos os pacotes abertos pela sua fonte local. Você também precisa usar o módulo profissional de conta de origem local. Porque usaremos o pacote openiddict em vez do código-fonte local


I'm confused... because the other modules work normally, for example Volo.Identity.Pro

It doesn't have a local resource in the Pro module and I can change the translations and they are reflected in Angular.


Both have bussinnes license. Instead of going through my changes piece by piece, I'd like to go through everything and just change the licenses... the Project Name will be the same for both.

In Angular there are no secrets?


Yes, I changed one to test and it doesn't work. I'm not using Redis.

Any text I change doesn't reflect in Angular.

Ex.: “Applications”: “Applications 123”.

There was even no translation for pt-BR, but even changing it in English it doesn't work...

It seems to me that he is getting the package and not the Pro module.

There was even no translation for pt-BR, but even changing it in English it doesn't work...

I tried to create a resource following the documentation itself but it gives an assembly error.

But it should work because Identity.Pro works and both logics are the same.

Showing 1 to 10 of 15 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 05:21