como disse Liangshiwei. você deve usar
abp get-source Volo.Abp.LeptonXTheme.Pro
para baixar o código fonte do lepton x. então você deve copiar os arquivos na pasta angular. Adicione o caminho no tsconfig. por exemplo. Copiei a pasta de projetos profissionais para meu projeto angular. Aqui meu caminho"@volo/ngx-lepton-x.core":["projetos/lepton-x-core/src/index.ts"], "@volo/":["projetos/lepton-x-abp-core/src/index.ts"], "@volosoft/ngx-lepton-x":["projects/lepton-x/src/index.ts"], "@volosoft/ngx-lepton-x/layouts":["projects/lepton-x/layouts/src/index.ts"], "@volosoft/":["projetos/volo-lepton-x/src/index.ts"], "@volosoft/":["projects/volo-lepton-x/layouts/src/index.ts"], "@volosoft/":["projects/volo-lepton-x/account/src/index.ts"],
Você não precisa adicionar fonte ABP. Não sugerimos adicionar código-fonte. Se você vincular a fonte ao seu código, não será possível obter atualizações facilmente. se você quiser personalizar algo. você pode usar
- Sistema substituível:
- Injeção de dependência angular
(Provavelmente) três deles oferecem bastante personalização.
I understand what you're saying about updates, but I'd be wise to share anyway.
could you email me the source code for the commercial-ui of version 7.4.1?
You can use
abp get-source Volo.Abp.LeptonXTheme.Pro
command to download the lepton-x source code
If so, I downloaded it, copy the theme-shared folder to the Angular projects folder and in the tsconfig.json file I put this code:
"@abp/ng.theme.shared/extensions": [ "projects/theme-shared/extensions/src/public-api.ts" ], Error: Debug error: from D:/Projects/CI/Base/7.4.1/angular/projects/theme-shared/extensions/src/lib/ui-extensions.module.ts), but not a .d.ts file
It is not possible to download the lepton-x source code, because it says it is already installed, but the lepton-x source code does not appear in the backend in the modules folder.
Is it just downloading and adding manually?
If so, I downloaded it, copy the theme-shared folder to the Angular projects folder and in the tsconfig.json file I put this code:
"@abp/ng.theme.shared/extensions": [ "projects/theme-shared/extensions/src/public-api.ts" ], Error: Debug error: from D:/Projects/CI/Base/7.4.1/angular/projects/theme-shared/extensions/src/lib/ui-extensions.module.ts), but not a .d.ts file
However, for example, when I change anything in the default modal, it does not reflect local because it is still taking the node_modules
Taking advantage, could you email me the source code for the commercial-ui of version 7.4.1?
What is the template for translations?
I didn't find anything regarding Frontend.Angular. Could you give me an example regarding the example above.
Verifique a documentação antes de fazer uma pergunta: Confira os exemplos para ver as tarefas básicas: A solução exata para sua pergunta pode ter sido respondida antes, então use primeiro a busca na página inicial. Forneça-nos as seguintes informações:
Can I change or replace the components generated by abp suite with my custom components at the time of generation?
Ex.: From <div class="mb-3"> <label class="form-label" for="demo-employee-name"> {{ '::Name' | abpLocalization }} * </label> <input id="demo-employee-name" formControlName="name" class="form-control" autofocus /> </div>
To <cds-input-text [label]="' '::Name' | abpLocalization" [id]="'demo-employee-name'" [name]="'demoText'" formControlName="name"> </cds-input-text>
Can you help me?
But this is already the case, it is already the ABP standard, but it is not reflected in the frontend.
that is the problem.
Verifique a documentação antes de fazer uma pergunta: Confira os exemplos para ver as tarefas básicas: A solução exata para sua pergunta pode ter sido respondida antes, então use primeiro a busca na página inicial. Forneça-nos as seguintes informações:
On the OpenId screen > Applications > New Application (Modal) there are two checkboxes that are not reflecting the translations.
In the default-applications-form-props.ts file, one of the fields that has the problem is configured as follows:
{ type: ePropType.Boolean, defaultValue: false, name: 'allowClientCredentialsFlow', displayTextResolver: data => { .getInjected(ApplicationFormModalComponent) .changeTextToType('AbpOpenIddict::AllowClientCredentialsFlow'); }, disabled: data => { const formValue = data.getInjected(ApplicationFormModalComponent).getFormValue(); return formValue.type === defaultApplicationTypes.public; }, id: 'allowClientCredentialsFlow', group: groupRight, className: className, },
I believe that the displayTextResolver function is not working correctly, because it does not display the expected text, but rather the name of the input.
can you help me?
Hi, It worked, thank you!
I'm trying to send it to your email but the size doesn't allow it.
So I'm sharing a folder via OneDrive.
I sent it to your email mentioned above.