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Activities of "Mgandhi"

Any updates on this ?

Here the url in href is not able to replace the {0} with the current tenant name. I have checked the current tenant & tenant Id they are coming as expected.

An unhandled exception has occurred while executing the request. Volo.Abp.Domain.Entities.EntityNotFoundException: There is no such an entity. Entity type: Volo.Abp.Identity.IdentityUser, id: 3a134618-f70b-d756-7f15-74eb6cbde626 at Volo.Abp.Identity.IdentityUserManager.GetByIdAsync(Guid id)

Still getting this exception.

While looking into this one more error I have found when we sent the verification email once the user register and when the user verify by clicking on the link received in the email it redirects to EmailConfirmation page with the host url but it should take the custom tenant url

Yes the url is not out application url.

Below is the email received

After clicking on this link its redirecting to incorrect url

After updating the selfurl in appsettings for the auth server this error is occuring

The Url its redirecting to :- https://u38833538.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=u001.NZdfXgy-2BdlZgtVTSnbOFdPeF8pPOS-2ByrIGdO8w9096fVPpIH-2BmsbBk89Z3AF-2FlFR4rW-2BaisuIfmIG5yI2uL-2FQ9Kr3WiOYkDp57v-2BVigSWpBrptxSt7w3EnL607FJaxbMC3CEvI2WmipmhK-2FJspEuclhc4k2T0WwUl7f4S-2FwTm51b55e1fYc8RsyiqZMD2I-2B8yKn3b06W5m9BRLEECRtsG3AHJ0Nw5RiOCIqZRqxDrKJZ3koTJQnDyx7S0A7fhcU6Ix-2FWI-2B3DhbSQ9fb51zzHzfka-2BEc-2FeS2FtPUlcrCQiD0dIC98IIZzkLhYj68NYR4MGIcauDN3pTvaTh-2BIEf-2FcSAg8vCKEcyBgk0FTZD-2B52SJK4yzMYSTR7JgtvnrjAa8qUJrcMAr-2FBasfXXEClTCBi27XUdlT4Rs9RyduWy9jsKYA-2BIC5l5g3DLdJztAbss6eBIQb-2FRnbAeyIgQqVd1f8hmNHM0Gp3QZjvOljXhmdEfOXRWKSqMgFivxyiSaZQDVvUSr9GhudgAIvJ5zv0NL-2FFWXWVZ6rmnDokk5Va8aLle0-3DRE27_fcdpf20PqIaxfNdR4zJ5gGbtNY-2BFgzJ7pdk6Geo3OtynZlj4s1vrmOzMLx5dHZhFnQBaife9AKjsHE3oN8nTyH-2B69JNPmiVcCafJ0jm3yaQ3StDyXuuNcyXpJgIQT41ZYLAWzWh1neVDYB218RmfZQWh2MKREp9XXOjViQUTpDk0r8fIdkW45fqAIitXf57-2BgXyYUToKFBb-2FusF7296hPg-3D-3D

I have updated the Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.UI.Theme.LeptonX version to 2.3.2 from version 2.3.0 .But still facing the same error . As we are using custom URL for host and tenant. The URL sent in the forgot password email for the tenant should consists tenant name but its still sending the token with host URL only and as the correct url is not formed we are getting page not found error.

Any Update on this ?

In the above image as we can see the source code is available for the specific component but same is not available for horizontal-wizard form but for the wizard form its not given. . How to access the source code for the same.

The Angular project is still not building.

Showing 1 to 10 of 16 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on February 10, 2025, 13:23